Arrows Of Hope

Xiran's POV

He casually sat in front of me, watching me with his dead eyes. There was no hint of a smirk on his face today, just a bit of annoyance. My eyes darted from him to his right where a ceiling-length glass cylinder had been hoisted, and what shook me to my core was the presence of a being inside it. 

An elven girl who resembled so much with my Aselia cowered inside it wearing only a flimsy gown. Her face and visible skin had numerous wounds, gashes, and bruises. Her emerald eyes reflected the shock and horror she had been through at the hands of the monster which sat beside her, the monster I called father. 

There was this unsaid plea in her eyes which punctured my heart and made my jaw clench and fists ball up. 

"Today I will end your cycle of injustice and cruelty," I yelled at him, with as much hate as I could muster.