Fate Always Gets You


"Ohhhhh!" Xiran couldn't hide his surprise and Silver touched his forehead in embarrassment. 

"Is this about your relationship with Rubisha?" Xiran couldn't help but ask. 


Xiran visibly sighed before answering:

"Well! It took all of my resolve and mountains' worth of patience, kidnapping and beatings, losing my hair and tons of other stuff to finally bring her around to believe I loved her. And to make her profess her feelings for me. But that wasn't the end of it. The fear of my father always dangled between us and exactly the reason I did what I did."

"Hmmm," Silver didn't find his answer very assuring. 

"Although we connected on a deeper level and didn't have any issues except what was posed by my father and society. I don't think there has to be a problem if you both can see past societal pressures and constraints between hunters and vampires." 

Xiran paused and turned slightly towards Silver before continuing: