
"You didn't just say that to me. You realise Aselia and I share a bond which we don't even understand yet. It transcends simple affections and attractions. It doesn't break hence we can't let go of each other. Layna left you and moved on with someone else and now she is back because she needs a favour. There is a difference. Why are you so blind to see it?" Xiran spat out in anger, he was raging at the way Rivan had tried to insult Aselia. 

The tension that began as a spark had ignited into a wildfire between them and it was getting out of control. 

"I am not blind. I care for her, I always did and I always will. She is vulnerable right now and is seeking help. I am not going to let her end up in the clutches of the wrong people. She is pregnant and needs a safe place to stay and I have promised to provide her with one."