A Prince?

Aselia was all set to leave with Jaguar. They stood in the living room. Jaguar held her bag. Yurian was apprehensive of the idea and had tried to talk her out of it but she insisted on going. He decided to hide the information from Xiran and Frila. 

"Partner! Keep your ears covered at all times. Drink your scent-subduing potion every eight hours and stay in contact with me at least once in two hours. If anything goes wrong, call me. If I don't hear from you every three hours, I will be coming to get you," he repeated the same instructions for the umpteenth time. 

"Jeez! Yuri relax. I am not a child and Jaguar is with me. Why are you fretting so much?" Aselia knew about the looming threat but Yurian seemed too stressed out. He was nervously tapping his foot on the floor and his hands were fidgeting.