Dinner with Royal Family

"Hello! Fari. Thank you for having me," Aselia greeted her back, that unwelcoming smile didn't escape her. 

"It's Farisha, only my brother calls me by my nick," she replied with hostility coating her voice and a glare in her honey-coloured eyes.

"Now now, Fari. What did we talk about?" Jaguar intercepted, seeing his sister's behaviour. 

She scowled and moved back to her chair and began to fiddle with the box Jaguar had given her, seeming engrossed with her gift, Jaguar sighed and led Aselia to the right side of the table. 

"I apologise, having four brothers and loving parents has spoiled her rotten," he quietly confided to Aselia before dragging the chair out so she could sit. Aselia straightened her dress and quietly sat down. 

"Don't worry, I don't mind at all," Aselia gave him a reassuring smile. She had experience with Wasp, this was nothing.