Invisible Wounds

(Xiran's POV)

A seething sense of incompleteness permeated inside me like a scorching sun, burning and branding me with every breath. I had to leave her behind, yet again, not knowing how much time she would require of me. 

The journey back to Fritez City from Lahoire was passed in agony, every second without her was somehow harrowing. Frila shook my shoulder as we landed and I was jerked out of the deep thoughts. Seeing Frila's worried face I knew she must have been calling me before shaking me. 

"Señor, are you feeling alright?" she asked with concern written all over her face. 

"Yes," I got up and we made our way out. Zilver was waiting for us in the car. 

"Take me home," I instructed as he opened the door for me and I settled inside. Frila sat with Zilver in front. I could sense them passing concerned looks to each other but they said nothing.