Deeper Than Physical

Aselia was holding the rim of his underwear and tenderly gazed into his eyes where amusement danced for her to see. He seemed to have read her thoughts for his lips sultrily shifted:

"If you want then nothing is stopping you," his hand moved, tilting her chin up even further. His thumb tenderly brushed along her jawline. His smile widened with every second. 

A wicked idea birthed in her brain and it nudged her to act on it. She had never tried it or had any inclination to do it until him. For he was like this ethereal being for her, all pure and untainted. Broken but hers to be fixed, bit by bit. 

"I want to try something new, to take you in my mouth," something seemed to have flipped inside him like a switch at her words. The smile vanished and his eyes darkened as if a tempest brewed within him. The grey-eyed vampire grabbed her arm and yanked her up so she collided with him with full force, the air knocking out of her system.