Meeting The Girls

"Alright, and what type of dress do I need to wear?" Aselia curiously inquired.

"I have asked Rivan, and he will send over some clothes. Choose whatever you like from them." 

"But I already have so many clothes. Did you have to bother Rivan," she questioned leaning on his chest. 

"It's not a bother and I want you to have new clothes," Xiran intertwined his left hand with hers and Aselia traced her index finger on the bulging vein in his hand which travelled to his arm. 

"Don't hunters get married? Why have you never attended such a party before?" He asked, watching her finger grazing along his bluish vein. He revealed in the feeling her touch provided. 

"Most of us don't make it to that age," she answered with a hint of sadness in her voice, remembering Marhia. 

"I am sorry," he affectionately placed a kiss on her head. 

"It's ok. What's the time for tomorrow?"