Prank Call

Arimie and Frila served drinks to everyone. The plan was to get fully wasted. Rubisha asked for juice instead and Arimie brought some orange juice for her. 

Once they were settled with their drinks, Arimie began:

"I was extremely shy when it came down to intimacy. Zirius had to work hard with me to open up to him. Most girls are generally shy and I think they should always have a choice on this matter," she remembered her time with Phantom and shuddered at the thought. The wounds were still fresh in her mind but she wanted to let that go and enjoy these blissful moments where she existed and he didn't. And the girl sitting in front of her was the main reason he was gone from her life for good. 

"I agree. And Señor is extremely possessive of you, he will never push you for it. Take your time and don't let this bother you so much," Frila reassuringly added. 

"It will be worth the wait," Rubisha chimed in as well.