Late Dinner With Sulran

Their conversations continued in Xiran's jet as well and Sulran was fascinated by the technology. Cars, phones and aeroplanes were all new and fascinating to him. Xiran showed him how the phone worked and explained the basic dynamics of transports. 

"That's a little box of wonder," Sulran chuckled at the phone Xiran showed him. His eyes held astonishment like a kid who was discovering the world around him. 

The aeroplane was the most intriguing for Sulran, it could fly just like him and had white wings too. He sat inside with his mouth slightly open and a bit uneasy. Xiran had to purse his lips to hide away his laughter. 

Conversation with Sulran flowed so easily for him. He was an easygoing person with a knack to make others feel at ease and brightening up their day. 

Xiran called ahead and informed Frila and Aselia that he would be arriving soon and that he had a guest with him.