They Are Missing?

It had been seven days since Aselia and Xiran's teleportation from Altair to Tromalius. Though on Tromalius it was only one day, on Altair it was a whole week. 

Everyone had been giving them space but Rivan found it extremely odd that Xiran had not contacted him or visited him for so long. So he placed a call to Xiran, but his number was switched off. He then tried Aselia but her number was inaccessible as well. 

This was very unlike them. As he was pondering over his next line of action he received a call from Frila. 

"Hello! Señor, I was calling because I can't reach out to Señor Xiran and Aselia. Aselia's partner Yurian called me, he and his parents are rather worried because Aselia hasn't been receiving any calls from them and now her number is powered off," Frila went on and on in one go, she seemed panicked.