Unification Of Their Souls

Once everyone had settled down and had given them their undivided attention, Moiga began the ceremony. Sulran remained closer to the about-to-be-wedded couple. 

They were made to stand facing each other, Xiran held Aselia's hands as they lovingly stared at each other, their smiles deepened. Moiga brought two white ribbons and bound their wrists together. 

Under the sacred red tree, this was the unique bonding ritual called "Soul Merge." In this magical ceremony, two individuals would intertwine their souls to form an unbreakable bond. 

"Close your eyes and let your deepest emotions, sentiments, and feelings for each other reign free. Think about the deep love and the sacred bond both of you hold for each other. Think about the kind of life both of you want to spend together," Moiga's voice had turned heavy as she plucked two leaves from the sacred tree and placed them on their clasped hands.