It's Ok To Talk About Him.

Xiran's POV

(NSFW Content ahead)

I clasped her in my embrace and rolled to the side while still buried inside her, crushing her to my heaving chest. She was so tight down there that I had to push myself although I tried to be as gentle as I could but knew I still hurt her a great deal. 

"You are my brave girl," I flicked away the stray golden locks that were sticking to her head and face and she stared at me with a confused look. 

"Xiran, I won't get pregnant on the first try, will I? We should have used protection if something like that even exists here," she questioned while crossing her leg over mine, not leaving any space between our heated bodies. My heart sank at her question. 

"Did Sayla brief you about anything related to our mating?" Uncle Sulran had informed me that Sayla will talk to her about the importance of mating on the sacred tree.