Settling Down In Fritez City

"Xirannnn, Wake up!" Aselia's shrill voice jolted him awake. 

"What! What happened? Are kids alright?" he sat up straight in the bed, his head jerking around looking for any trouble. His eyes hardly opened. 

"They are. But at the rate they are popping, I don't think our diaper reserves can hold on. We are out of diapers, we need a whole truck," she sighed in frustration and Xiran breathed out in relief.

"You scared me, Leia. I thought something happened to the kids."

"Shit storm happened which flew away with all the diapers," she was cradling Arian who was watching his father. Xiran couldn't help but let out a small laugh at her words and the gross face she was making. 

"Don't worry, I will get more diapers. Come little one come to Daddy," he held out his hands and Aselia handed him over.