V5 Chapter 1 A Goddess's Miracle

Murmuring winds

How they scream

Prayers folded

Within the breeze

Gently stirring

Rippling clouds

Till it fades from the skyline

one fades the other stands firm

Standing again the sunlight

Blazing, damning sun rays

Glaring upon, shimmering fortified walls

Glorified city standing tall

In the name of the goddess

They shall never fall

The Holy Capital held up

by the spiritual hands of light elves

Luxtorious it's name

that follows every thought

every plot of its green and bricked lands

every wall and each citizen that lived within

Such harsh sunlight

bearing down yet not a soul minded

for the entire streets of these holy lands

were bare upon this fateful day.

In the distance, roaring with the breeze

for the ears of their goddess to receive

Murmuring winds,

please bear their message

engrave it upon each drifting leaf

Hold it close to your heart

if you have any

deliver the message lighting speed

with each heart beat

with each wing beat

Let the goddess hear their cries

If their hearts are true enough for you

Then deliver, their promised destiny

A breeze picks up, shifting ripples of clouds as the hot afternoon sun shines down upon a shimmering city. The Holy capital of light elves, Luxtorious. Even though, this harsh sunlight bore down upon these fortified lands. No citizen mind, for the streets of the entire kingdom were empty, upon this fateful day.

*Thump thump thump thump*

The sounds of unified stomping feet, the taps of staffs, and the banging of armor. Shook the outlands of Luxtorious as each citizen took up this rhythmic beat. Light elves from all different shapes, sizes, ages, and backgrounds all stood together as one as they beat in unity. Standing in the front of the entire crowd keeping the citizens' pace, with her head held high, was the high priestess of the light elves. One of the six Luxtorious's founder, Haldir.

As she stood proudly, she faced, what once used to be a grand oak tree. A tree that reached out to the heavens with it's withered branches, each tap of her ornamented staff sent its hooped blessed rings to bang against themselves, letting out a melodious jingle. With each jingle clouds form above them in an ominous swirl, darkening the sky above this dying oak tree.

" Restituzione à nous."

High Priestess Haldir yells between a beat in an aged voice that still held authority and power.

" Restituzione à nous."

The Citizens began to chant the voices of the old, the young, the rasped, the shrill, the gruff and even the softest. Their voices all combined into a blur of pitches and yet the message was clear.

"Return to Us"

They chanted on as they all hoped with all their hearts. Believing in one unison truth.

The breeze picks up in a more violent, threatening flow, blowing hard on each and every light elf threatening to carry them off to the swirling crackling clouds above if their hearts weren't true.

Sparks of lighting ripples through the clouds above them as a deafening clasp of thunder roared, undermining the crowds determine chat to the mere squeaks against such a thunderous sound. Even so, the crowd still kept chanting, still kept screaming for change! For a miracle.

*Crack sceeeeeeeen BOOM*

A single blast of lightning fell from the heavens in such a blinding light it made the old thought that they had become blind. It fell with such speed that no heartbeat could catch up to it. It fell upon the oak tree so hard its rippling impact knocked everyone off their feet and blew them all 10 feet away.

The buzzing sound of eardrums rang in everyone's ears. Before it slowly disappears into an eerie silence, that only the pounding of heartbeat against ribcage and fearful breaths, broke.

All eyes were upon the split and scorched Oak tree that was still standing tall. Even though, it lost a couple of its branches. Burning embers that scatter upon the oak tree slowly die off, leaving only the pitch black darkness of soot. The cloud above slowly parted upon a gentle soft breeze. The harsh afternoon sunlight bore down upon the oak tree. Lighting it up like a holy sign from the heavens.

Have they done it? Did the Goddess finally answer their prayers?


The shrieking wails of a newborn emits from within the oak tree. Send the ripples of exclamation, cries of joy, and laughter throughout the entire crowd as the High Priestess Haldir scramble towards the oak tree to greet their savior.

The prophecy that has been long foretold, had finally come to pass. The savior of the elves is finally here. Here to save them all and deliver them to a prosperous new age of peace.

High Priestess Haldir, holding the baby in her hands, wraps a cloth around the shivering baby as she gently rocks him to sleep. The fussy baby cried no more, his eyes drooped, falling into a slumber. The crowd immediately gathered around, eager to see the sweet chubby face of their savior. Chatting with excitement about what his destiny could be and what wondrous things he will accomplish in the future.

High Priestess Haldir held the baby up high for all to see. Their chubby soft pink cheeks, raven-haired sleepy savior wrapped in a blue warm blanket.

Such a glorious day for a miracle and there was no unhappy face within sight, at such a wondrous occasion. However, there was one frowning face, glaring with hate and despise at such an occasion. Further back, hidden behind the walls of the kingdom, sat a young veiled maiden. Comfortably perched upon the rooftop, a clear view over the rampart that overlooked the outlands of the Kingdom.

She huff, grimacing at such a sight as she flip her dagger in the air just to catch it with her right hand, a couple of times. Over her left shoulder, grasped tightly in her left hand was a huge sack filled with stolen supplies from the temporarily abandoned kingdom.

" The Elders aren't going to like this."

She mutters to herself as she slips off the rooftop of a royal's home. A few jumps between the rooftop of the covered parapet walk, a flip under the corbel before scaling down a buttress, and just like that she disappeared down a dark alleyway.
