V5 Chapter 14 Light elf Vs ... Light elf?

A sky so blue that matches her eyes, as the kind sun shines down on the passing clouds onto a huge lush green wide open meadow with such beautiful wildflowers scattered about. Even though there was a butterfly flapping about in the beautiful meadow, Philomel found her gaze locked onto the dense trees and bushes that surrounded this ideal picnic place, wanting to be under the shade of the trees rather than be out under the sun. Philomel blinked a couple of times trying to adjust to such a bright area. Dark spots appear throughout her vision as everything seemed like a distant bright dream. A slight headache made her dizzy, her tired body just wanted to hide in the shadows and take a nap.

Philomel didn't notice or enjoyed its beauty instead she quickly scan the area looking for the party of two. It didn't take, her a moment to find the two of them, strolling through the meadow enjoying its beauty.

Philomel's hands grip around both her daggers, arming herself as she slowly stalked her prey through the shadows. She studied both her prey, carefully, trying to pick up as much data and advantages as she could get.

The Holy Knight unlike all the rest didn't wear heavy armor, in fact, he was the total opposite, having no armor at all. This slightly confused Philomel, was this knight crazy or crazy skilfully? She couldn't decide at all, the most she could tell was his sword was a thick long sword. She couldn't really be sure if it was a saber or a broadsword since the blade was sheathed. She couldn't even tell if it was a double-handed sword or a single-handed one. Either way, from the looks of it speed, was her advantage, and from her slightly labored breath she knew that she won't have much of it.

Philomel accidentally brushed up against a flimsy branch causing the leaves to fall. The Holy Mage glanced over her shoulder exactly where Philomel was hidden. Philomel ducked closer to the tree, pressing herself against it as she pulled her veil over the lower half of her face. The Holy Mage not noticing her, turns back and resumes following The Holy Knight. Philomel silently wonder if it was intuition that made her look or if she had a sharp hearing for no normal elf would have turned at a couple of leaves falling.

The mage unlike the Knight was much easier to read, the holy staff in her left hand had two hoops jingling against the staff. Which meant that she was probably an advanced beginner, still depending on a magic book to cast more powerful spells. Which gave Philomel a much better advance over her since she was holding a baby in the other arm. Limiting her range of spells, she could use 4. 4 spells that Philomel knew extremely well. Holy Light which was just a fancy torch, Holy Lighting which was a bolt of lightning, Holy barrier which was a thin layer of protection, and Blessings which increased luck for a few moments. As for her defense, Philomel couldn't really tell since she was wearing a flowing cape. She could only assume that she was probably wearing some sort of light armor.

Philomel was certain she could take out the mage with ease but the Knight was harder to say. Laying out all the information before her, she decided it was best to get rid of the Knight with a quick surprise attack. Even though she made the decision, she still found herself, second-guessing her decision.

"There's no way a Holy Knight would be this undefended, especially when guarding a Messiah. Sending an advanced beginner mage for such an important task is suspicious enough but if she was just a supporter of the team. Then it would be logical for such a team-up to be considered a good choice. He might be a Paladin or worst an expert hero. "

Philomel winched at such a thought, knowing that she might have already been noticed and probably lose the battle within 2 moves if he was truly an expert hero. She then reminded herself that he could just be a common Paladin and that would give her slightly more advantage since it would mean there would be opportunities for attacks. If he wants to cast a spell then he would be more focused on chanting the incantation rather than battle.

"Double advantages or truly a one-sided battle, time to bet it all, swim or sink time."

She exhales slowly trying to calm herself while she thought. Her hand subconsciously took off the sack from her shoulders and placed it on the ground. Her feet arched above the ground, pressing her weight on her toes as she balance herself with her right hand on the ground.

Philomel launched herself forward toward the Holy Knight, ready to stab him right in the back but the Holy Mage was the first to notice her.

" Watch out!"

She yelled as she leap onto the Holy Knight pushing out of the way but she wasn't fast enough. Philomel's blades sliced into the Holy Mage's back.

" Ah!"

She yelped at the pain as two shallow cuts across her back appears. Her purple cape immediately turned red from her blood.

" Estrella!"

The Holy Knight yelled.

"How the hell did she notice? Why wasn't she wearing any sort of armor under her cape?"

These were the two thoughts that cross Philomel's mind as she crouch down ready for her second wave of attack. She launches herself again at the two of them. The Holy Knight seeing Philomel coming with another attack, immediately pushes Estrella to the side, half drawing his blade and fully blocking Philomel's attack.

The Holy Knight seeing there was a chance, continue to draw his blade as he made an attempt to slash Philomel in the stomach. Philomel pushed her weight against her daggers that were blocked by his blade, using that as support, she then does a backflip while her body was still in mid-flight. She lands back on the ground a distance away from him, dodging his slash.

" Why do you attack your own brethren, lost sister?"

The Holy Knight questioned her as he slowly stood to his feet. Philomel paused for a moment, utterly confused at the statement before recalling that she was covered in clay making her seem like another light elf.

" Lenny don't you see, desperation and fear have blinded her. Doing all she can to survive just another day, forgetting our beloved goddess above. Don't lose faith, our goddess hasn't forsaken you."

The Holy mage, Estrella dramatically informed.

All emotions drained out of Philomel's face as she finds herself slightly annoyed at the fact that they were acting like they were better than her for still having the goddess's protection and that they were saying all of this because she looked like a light elf. She could bet every last penny she own, that their reaction wouldn't be the same if they knew she was a dark elf. They would probably try to capture her on sight and if she was too much of a hassle to catch alive, they would kill her on sight.

" Ah, I do not wish to fight you but we can't allow you to have your way with us either. We are on an important diplomatic mission that takes us throughout this continent and we can't spare anything for you."

Lenny gestures for Philomel to stop fighting with a few waves of his hand moving downward. Philomel felt like all the energy drained from her soul just listening to them talk.

"How can two people be so mentally exhausting? Not everything needs to be about the goddess's path and whatever. What about my personal choices? My desires? Don't they matter? It's my life and I deserve to live for myself, not just some puzzle piece in some annoying grand plan of some goddess."

Philomel couldn't help but find herself thinking these thoughts when faced with such devoted followers of the Goddess of Healing, Asil Luna. Even though she thought such controversial things, deep down inside she found herself wondering. Wondering how her life would have turned out if she wasn't born under dark elves' parents. Would she have turned out like them? Or would she have been her own person like she is now? Making her own decisions and doing all she can for her loved ones.

" Return back to the city and I'm sure that our temples would be willing to provide for you if you just ask."

Lenny add on as soon as he noticed Philomel's narrowed eyes. Philomel couldn't help be mentally groan.

"His intentions feel so fake and distant that even my mind doesn't want to pay attention to him."

Philomel rolled her eyes as she thought to herself. Philomel having enough of his empty words and fake concern, flips the dagger in her hand, tossing it at Lenny's right shoulder. Lenny evades the dagger but as he was distracted by the dagger, Philomel closed the distance between them. She leaps, stepping onto Lenny's right wrist and swinging her other leg to kick his face. Philomel's knee, came in direct contact, with Lenny's cheek. Lenny was forced to look at the distant trees as pain, flooded throughout his left cheek. A strong taste of iron fills his mouth as he finds his inner cheek bleeding out. The impact rattled his teeth as every last single tooth on the left side of his jaw and turns the whole area numb.

Philomel kick his left shoulder and did another backflip, landing on her feet a distance away from him. The kick to Lenny's shoulder sends the broad towering man crashing to the ground.

" Greed and denial have blinded her! Lenny, stand strong against the lost one."

Estrella cheered Lenny from the sidelines. With no intention of helping Lenny, she heals her wounds while rubbing the baby's chest, lulling him into a deeper sleep, despite all the noise. Philomel rolled her eyes as she touches the back of her right hand with her lap. Hitting a hidden button on her gloves to reveal her hidden blade. Lenny spits out blood, using his backhand to wipe the blood off his lip.

" Alright, you greedy thief. No more, Mr nice guy."

Lenny warned. Philomel knew that she should probably end the fight immediately but was slightly shocked that Lenny wasn't knocked out cold from such a hard kick to the head. It then hits her, her knee hit was too shallow and hit his cheek instead of his head. A fatal mistake. Philomel immediately front-flips toward Lenny about to do a double heel kick right at his head. Lenny no longer in the mood to play around, lifted his arm, blocking her attack. Philomel flips off his arm and lands a distance away from him.

Lenny with one hand pushed himself off the ground, standing up vertically sideways. He then flicks a switch on his wristband, it immediately glowed blue as magic poured out of it. Creating a blue translucent barrier armor around his body.

" ***** "

Philomel sighed at the slight of such an unfair magical item.

" *Gasp* That's not the kind of language to use around a child!"

Estrella scolded as she quickly covers, the sleeping baby's ears. But at this point, Philomel couldn't really care any less.

" We aren't your enemies. Surrender now, thief and we will forgive you, enough to let you be on your way."

Lenny offered with a pointed blade at Philomel. Philomel's tired body couldn't help but want to accept the offer. However, with her goal just within her line of sight, she couldn't find the will to back off. No matter how much she wanted to.

"It's a magical item just like the one Daddy made for me. Break the jewel in the wristband and the barrier disappears. If worst comes to worst then I'll just have to keep fending off his attacks. My magical item has 3 minutes of use before it needs to cool down for 10 minutes. His magical item should be around the same time. The sizes of our stones are roughly the same."

Philomel concluded as she took a fighting stance and shook her head at Lenny. Informing him she wasn't going to back down until she got what she came for.
