V5 Chapter 16 Villainous Thieves?

Amon could only awkwardly wave back as he thought what a strange pair of elves they were.

" Did I miss something important? Why were they begin so nice to us?"

Amon questioned as he turn to Philomel, she held up a finger telling him to give her a moment as she lay down on the soft grass with her eyes closed.

" Ah, take your time."

He scanned the areas once more and noticed Philomel's sack in the distance and decided to gather their things into one place.

" Here."

He called out to Philomel as he sat down next to her and pass her a leather water bottle. Philomel took it from him and sat up to gulp the water down greedily. It took her a while to remember that both of them didn't have a water bottle.

" Where did you get this?"

Philomel asked after finally catching her breath.

" The temple. Oh, right there's something I need to tell you."

Philomel turns to look at him just to notice Little One sitting right next to him with his head and arms over Amon's thigh, trying to find a better position to sleep.

" Ahhh... Aaaaaaa"

Philomel exclaims in shock with a shakily pointed fingertip at Little One. Her reaction was like she was seeing a ghost and too afraid to say anything but point.

" Yes, that's what I wanted to talk to you about."

Amon calmly stated, hoping that his calm tone of voice would be enough to stop her from freaking out.

" What is he still doing here?! Weren't you supposed to bring him back to his mother?!"

" Well about that. It seems that we stole Little One from the temple. Two nights ago, his mother disappeared from the temple without any word with every intention of leaving him there. He's an orphan."

" And why didn't you leave him back there?"

" Promise you won't be angry?"

" No! I deserve to be angry especially if you did something dumb."

" Then I won't tell you."

" Fine, don't tell! Just take the baby back to that temple!"

" If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to tell you I can't."

" And why not?!"

" Just promise me, you won't be angry."

Amon put both his hands together as he bowed his head begging her.

" *Sighs* Fine just tell me."

" If he stays there, he would grow up there. I don't want him to grow up in an orphanage until he becomes an adult."

" What do you mean? If he stays there, he'll grow up there?"

" There are many orphans there that have lost their parents to circumstances. The city has been sending out knights throughout Eldamar, according to them the world is unbalanced. More manner of beast, disease, and darkness has plagued these lands. Many elves have already lost their lives to this struggle which is why they called upon their goddess for a miracle. A miracle that is supposed to save them all. "

" A miracle we're going to get rid of."

" That's right, which is why I want to find the best stable home for Little One. It's the least we can do before we plunge his world into chaos."

" Among, we are not bringing him along. Bring him back to the temple now."

Philomel sternly orders.

" Wa ... But... but the more time we waste, the further those Holy knights would be! Wouldn't we lose them if we don't chase after them right now?"

Amon blurted out hoping that it would be enough to change her mind.

" I wouldn't be so sure about that."

Philomel announced with a massive grin as she pulled out two scrolls from her belt pouch.

" What are those?"

Amon questioned as Philomel examine both scrolls. One was nothing more than a rolled-up piece of parchment, while the other was rather particular. It has a leather strap keeping the scroll rolled up and has a blue seal in the middle. The seal had water swirls moving in circles all throughout it.

" One is Lenny's map."

Philomel confirmed as she roll out the common parchment revealing a map.

" While the other... not quite sure. Might be some sort of instant spell. We'll have to have it checked out at a merchant shop."

" No, wonder he was calling you a thief."

" Hey! I am not a thief! I am a resourceful skillful scavenger! That had scavenged upon very impressive information to help us on this quest!"

Philomel rebutted, slightly offended to be called a thief. Even though she... kinda is one.

" Yes, of course. We're Heroic Scavenges and not Villainous Thieves. Huge differences there."

Amon mockingly comments as he strokes Little One's head, keeping him in a calm state even though the air was tense between Amon and Philomel. A trick he recently pick up from the Light elves' nuns to keep Little One from suddenly squealing or shrieking whenever he picks up on Amon's or Philomel's energy.

" Just shush and look at the map."

Philomel waves him off before gesturing toward the map that was laid out before them. The map was a detailed map of the Continent Eldamar.

" Right here to the east in these parts of the desert, somewhere here is Crimtroy 70km from the ocean. We traveled northwest toward the Holy City of Luxtorious. Right here about a distance away from this huge cliff and next to this river."

Philomel explains as her fingertips pointed out each area before addressing the areas that Lenny had marked on his map along with a dotted path.

" Lenny mentioned earlier that they were on a diplomatic mission which means that they are traveling to each Kingdom in Eldamar. Their first destination from the marking on their map is Lunaris towards the south."

" Why Lunaris when Alryne is just right next to Luxtorious?"

" See these mountains that are right in the middle of the kingdom and the city? That's Mountmend. From what I heard those lands are extremely dangerous and filled with dark creatures."

" Ah, so we're going to avoid the mountains and meet up with Lenny's party in Lunaris?"

" Nope, we are going to cut right through Mountmend and be waiting for Lenny's party in Alryne."

" What?!"

" Hmmm..."

Little One softly groans as he turns his head under Amon's hand.

" What?"

Amon repeated in a low hush whisper.

" Didn't you just say it was filled with extremely dangerous beasts?"

Amon added to his question.

" It is but they are dark beasts, extremely dangerous for light elves. We dark elves on the other hand might even fit in really well there. "

" Ah, the first advantage I have ever seen in being a dark elf. Ability to go through the creepy haunted mountain with some ease... Is it still too late to change my race?"

" 19 years too late."

" Why 19?"

" Cause I'm 19. Why? You're not the same age?"

" Nope, I'm 21."

Amon shook his head and corrected her.

" That's great... dump that baby at the church, already!"

" No. I'm not letting him live his whole childhood in an orphanage!"

" He would have all the support and friendship he needs from the nuns and other orphans. You're 21, you have no experience to be taking care of a baby, not to mention we're heading toward Mountmend. Remember? An ok place for dark elves, a graveyard for light elves. Bringing him along would not only bring danger to us but to him as well! This journey is no place for a baby, don't make me repeat such an obvious thing again."

She sternly reminds Amon. Amon however was still stubborn on the matter. After the death of Amon's mother, Amon's father entrusted Commander Julius to take care of Amon while his father was away on his missions. Commander Julius however was also a busy man with his own duties to handle. And so during working hours, the Commander would leave Amon under the care of Chydleluve a dark elf who cared for all orphans in the tribe until a certain age. Every day Commander Julius would pick up Amon from Chydleluve, escort Amon back home, and spend time with Amon until late in the night. The Commander often found himself crashing at Amon's home and soon started to become a roommate of Amon's father. Just like the good old days before Amon's father's marriage.

There weren't many orphans in the tribe, in fact, Amon only knew a handful of them. Which he soon grew to become good friends with, throughout the years. Amon's best friend throughout these tough times was a boy named Odo. Odo's mother passed away while giving birth to Odo and Odo's father couldn't stand the sight of him. For Odo was a constant reminder of why his wife was no longer with him. The only time his father held Odo in his arms was to give him away to Chydleluve and the man never look back. Odo was raised as an orphan. The poor lad was constantly shunned or driven away by his own father. When the young boy wanted some sort of closure from being given away.

Amon was constantly reminded how wonderful it was to still have a father who loved him because Odo never received such love. Odo yearned for it, so much that, he would break down in tears begging for it. Wondering what wrong, he has ever done in life to deserve, such a thing. Amon didn't want that for Little One and he was determined to either find his mother or find a stable, loving home for him. Nothing Philomel or anyone else could change his mind at this point.

Even so, that doesn't mean, he doesn't need to convince Philomel on letting him bring Little One along. Amon sat there with a glum expression on his face as he stared at the map hoping that it could give him some idea of how he could convince Philomel. Luckily for Amon, staring at the map did give him an idea.

" Is that a village right on the way to Mountmend?"

Amon asked with excitement as he pointed at a certain path on the map. Philomel squinted her eyes as she looks down at where Amon was pointing.

" I don't think it is, the village's name isn't even stated on the map. "

" That's because it's a Kingdom map, look over here. These look like villages too but it doesn't state the name of the villages either."

Amon excitedly points out, just happy to prove his point.

" What kind of map doesn't even tell the names of the villages?"

Philomel wonders out loud as she turns the map around to see who was the cartographer of the map. She was slightly disappointed to find the signature of an unknown cartographer going by the name of "V1 products" with a very ugly drawing of a sheep as a signature.

" Which Kingdom does this cartographer even come from? Who do I even complain to for such a crummy map?"

" I don't really think you can complain about the map."

" What do you mean?"

" You did steal it from Lenny after all and he probably brought the map. So he would have the right to complain about it."

" *Scoff* And what makes you think I won't buy a map just to file a complaint about it?"

" Well for starters, didn't you say you're a resourceful skillful scavenger? Spending money on a map to complain about it doesn't seem like something a resourceful person would do."

" Well played. Anyway, what about that village?"

" You told me earlier that I would have a say in this mission as your equal and right now I say! We bring Little One to this village and find him a good home there."

Amon announced causing Philomel to scowl. Not liking the idea at all, but then again, she did promise him that he would have a say in the matter, and they would be giving away the baby before Mountmend, before actual life-threatening danger. Not to mention, this would strengthen their bond, of their partnership in this mission, which is a key important thing, that could determine the mission's success.

" Very well, but we are taking him to this village and no further. Understand?"

Philomel questioned as she reaches out her hand towards him, gesturing for a handshake that would be the sealing symbol of their agreement.

" Understood."

Amon nodded as he shook her hand.
