V5 Chapter 21 Nervous Hyenas

" Yes?"

The middle-aged gazelle chimed as her gaze met Philomel.

" Hi! I wanted to ask for directions to the healer's hunt. It's an emergency."

Philomel informed.

" It's over there, the biggest hunt in the village. Our healer is our shaman and she's the Chief around here. She'll also provide you shelter for the night, best hurry, it's going to be sunset soon."

She urged before shutting the door, in a gentle way. It was as if she didn't want to be rude but something was about to happen and soon. Philomel immediately dashed back to Amon, not planning to wait around to find out what made those scratch marks on the door.

" Among!"

Philomel called out to him as soon as she laid eyes on him.

" You know the way?"

Amon questioned as he struggles to keep Little One still as he tied the nappy in a clumsy way.

" We better!... Is that a fique eight knot? You planning on hoisting the baby as a sail or something, captain?"

Philomel couldn't help herself as she teased Amon with a smile.

" It's not as easy as it looks, okay? There done!"

Amon chimed as he lifted up Little One, just to have the nappy slip right off him.

" Ahoy, Captain thou sail is too loose."

Philomel chimed with a slack jaw accent as she jerks her arm, upwards, with one eye closed, trying to imitate a pirate. Amon rolled his eyes at her as he picks up the nappy, slips it back onto Little One, and holds it in place. Little One on the other hand suddenly burst into laughter. Amon stared in amazement as Little One's blue eyes shines, the soft melodies high-pitched guffaw that caused his whole little body to resonate and shake. They said a fairy is born each time a baby laughs for the first time but for Amon just seeing such an adorable thing was more than enough.

" Lead the way, First Mate."

Amon orders as he gestures to her to show the way, with a steady flick of his wrist. Philomel was at first unsure, wondering if he was teasing her back but the way his whole character suddenly changed into a more professional feel, she guesses not.

" Aye aye! Captain!"

Philomel stood up straight, saluted Amon, a quick turn to the right, and started marching. Amon marched along behind her.

" Just to reconfirm that I'm not hallucinating in any way but are those animals wearing clothes, standing on two, arguing with elves?"

" Yup, they're real. Oh, this is your first time seeing Half-beast, isn't it? What do you think? Pretty cool, eh?"

" I personally prefer that they stayed as stories and legends."

" Don't worry, you'll get used to it. By the way Captain, what did you do with the stink bomb the baby left? You're not still holding it, right? Cause if you are, Ewww."

" Of course not, I buried very close to a tree. Hopefully, no one steps on that landmine."

" Or sit on it."

Philomel did her best to say before she started snickering uncontrollably. Amon couldn't help but chuckle along as well. Little One kept glancing back and forth between Amon and Philomel, wondering if they had both suddenly started malfunctioning at the same time.

When they reach the Chief's hut both Amon and Philomel held their breaths trying not to laugh. But just looking at each other's faces, reminded each other of the little present Amon buried, for a random passerby, who makes the wrong choice of resting, under that tree.

" Poopy pants."

Amon couldn't help but say and the two of them gave up all hope of stopping and cracked up, roaring with laughter. Amon held the side of his stomach as he leans against the wall of the hut, supporting himself as he just kept laughing. Philomel fell to her knees, her legs no longer able to hold up her weight.

" I can't breathe *Wheezing* Ha ha ha. I can't breathe."

She fans her face as she gasps for breath between laughs. Laughing at such a lame joke, like a bunch of 5 years old. Just goes to show, they may be young adults but they were still young kids at heart. Well, either that or each time a fairy is born, it makes everyone laugh until their sides hurt, your guess is as good as mine.


The hut door shudders as it unlocks before creaking open.

" Hmm, I thought a bunch of nervous hyenas was passing by"

" But it seems to be just a young family."

Two voices rang out, side by side from within the hut, grasping Amon and Philomel's attention. At the door stood an elder pure white wolf, next to the male beast, stood an elder old elf, hunched over a walking stick. Philomel being unable to use her inner demon wasn't able to tell anything out of the ordinary. Amon however, knew that these two people were once one person. He could see heavy swirls of magic that tie them together, making him wonder, why someone would go that far to separate their beast form from themselves.

" What can we do for you?"

The Wolfman asked.

" Little One isn't feeling well and we need a healer."

Amon answered as he rubs Little One's back. Philomel stared at the wolf, silently wondering if Amon would change into something like that from the stories her dad told her.

" Then by all means, please come in and quickly. The sun is about to set."

The Elder elf urged as she gestures for them to come in. Amon was slightly stunned at her words, wondering what would happen at sunset. Philomel didn't waste any time pushing him into the hut.

The inside of the hut was extremely particular, it was filled with herbs, weird masks, books, equipment, and a huge cauldron, all shattered around the normal household items. There were 3 bedrooms, that connected to a huge area that was spilt into a kitchen, dining area, brewing area, and office.
