V5 Chapter 41 Kingdom Wars 1/2 (FTC)

" Hey, Rufus. Wanna join my army with Kairu? We get to take over sugar land."

Richard asked as he nodded toward Little One and Blake. Rufus turns to the four of them as she waves her tail around Kairu. Kairu hop around trying to catch her tail, extremely happy with just that. Rufus debated if Kairu would be able to comprehend the game that was currently being played. She then concluded, as long as he was a safe distance away from Little One, he would be comfortable. There are many ways to hinder a quest, direct approach isn't necessarily the only way.

" Kairu would you like to try a different game?"

She asks in a gentle tone, Kairu titled his head as he held her tail.

" The game is called recruit, we'll ride to meet all our friends and send them all to take down the Scary Little One."

Rufus added on, trying the make him understand the game. Kairu, of course, had zero idea what was going on, he could only recognize his name and knows when he was being called. He stared blankly at Rufus.

" Come on, my assistant! Let's go!"

Rufus chimed as she goes under Kairu and lift him onto her back before running up to Richard.

" Hey, veggie King. We're willing to join your army but as an advisor. We will not partake in any battle against the knight. Also, I advise you, not to eat the Sugar Queen so much, it's not healthy."

Rufus advised with a narrowed stare at Richard who was nuzzling Shayna's neck. Shayna was giggling under him as she repeatedly told him to stop as she pushes his head away but even then he nuzzles against her hands, purring in contentment. Richard was paying attention to what Rufus had to say but Shayna's scent and soft fur were something he didn't want to stop experiencing.

" Very well! I shall appoint the two of you to be my advisors. Help me win this war while I made sure our prison doesn't escape."

Richard ordered as he held on to Shayna's pushing hands, moving them away from his face so that he could nuzzle her neck some more.

" Rich! You don't have to hold on to me so tight."

Shayna said with a laugh as she tries to gain back her personal space.

" But if I don't. You'll escape from me and I can't have that."

Richard shook his head like that thought was the worst thing he could ever think of.

" Just watching this is killing my brain cells. "

Rufus commented as she rolled her eyes, silently wondering when Richard would grow a spine and tell Shayna, he likes her or when Shayna grows a brain and realize he likes her. She could already predict this dumbness dragging on for years. With a shrug, she continues on her mission, dashing to her other friends but stopping for a moment when she noticed Blake tiptoeing in the same place.

" What are you doing? You aren't even moving any closer to Richard."

She asked, purely confused at his actions.

" It wouldn't be fun if I just run up to the boss like that and Little One pats me more when I bounce him. Soo..... "

Blake bluntly admits as he continues tiptoeing in the same place. Making Little One laugh in delight as he pats Blake's ears down so that he could see in front.

" Ah... Well good thing in all Mrs. Emma's stories, the villains move faster than the heroes."

Rufus says with a grin as she carries Kairu toward her first target Rehaa. The little brown bear silently was watching the whole situation unfold from the sidelines, finding it to be an entertaining story.

" Rehaa wanna play with us?"

Rufus asked as she swished her tail around behind Kairu, making him giggle at the ticklish feeling of her tail.

" Okay, but what are vegetables? Is it like honey?"

Rehaa asked as she scratches her head, trying to make sense of why Candy and Vegetables were enemies.

" No, honey is more like candy since it's sweet. Vegetables are more like ... things that are like fruit but aren't fruit?"

Rufus narrow her eyes as she confused herself with her answer. What exactly were vegetables and why aren't they fruit? She stared blankly at the wall behind Rehaa as she thought.

" Oh! Then I wanna be part of the Candy team!"

Rehaa chimed as she runs up to Blake and Little One. Leaving Rufus deep in thought.

" Oh, no! Sir Knight Milk scent! A bear has appeared from the forest! What should we do?"

Blake exclaims as he places Little One on the ground in front of Rehaa. Little One unable to sit up, immediately lays down on the carpet.

" He can't sit up either, huh?"

Rehaa walks closer and peers at him from above.

" But he's still the best!"

Blake happily says with a wagging tail, licking Little One's chubby cheek. Little One suddenly rolls and grabbed Rehaa by her cheek pulling her down and nuzzling against her.

" *Laughing* You're very squishy!"

Rehaa laughed as she lay her head on Little One's chest, letting him touch her fur and cheeks.

" I know right?! And he smells like Milk!"

Blake praises as if smelling like milk was the best trait a person could have in the world. Who wouldn't wanna smell like baby milk?

" I wanna join your team and save Candy Queen Shayna."

Rehaa informs as Little One rolls away from the both of them and towards the Vegetable kingdom.

" Great! Well, love to have a warrior on our team!"

Blake says with a grin as he lays down and rolls after Little One. Rehaa was about to ask Blake why not walk but then decided it would be more fun to roll around. And so our 3 heroes continue on their quest, rolling after each other as they brave the threshold into Vegetable lands.

Meanwhile, within Vegetable Castle, the queen is doing the best she can to escape the grasp of the evil Vegetable King.

" Release me you! Beast! I shall not let you eat me and bring ruin to my kingdom!"

Shayna demands with a massive grin as she struggles against Richard's hug.

" Face it, My Little Queen! Your knight Milk Scent has failed you! Just like your King!"

Richard let out an evil laugh as his paw slips down to her waist, pressing the side of his body against her stomach. Shayna suddenly stops struggling and relaxes in his arms.

" King? What King?"

She asked, breaking out of character momentarily.
