V5 Chapter 26 Mascot Baby At It Again

Philomel's gaze shifted to the wolf when she noticed his stare. She silently wondered if he was contemplating whether he was going to eat her or not, like the many stories her father told her. But soon concluded it couldn't be so since the Elder elf was just a distance away and she could stab that wolf right in the neck with her hidden blades if he tried anything. Little One immediately started squealing and squirming as soon as he laid eyes on the huge wolf.

"Of course. This baby definitely must be a mascot or some sort of daredevil. Always picking and loving the most dangerous person in the room. "

Philomel thought with a sigh.

" Well, at least that's going to be someone's problem to deal with tomorrow. "

She shook her head as she closes the between her and the wolf.

" Having trouble putting him to sleep?"

He asked as his clawed paws reached out to Little One. Philomel was tempted to pull Little One away and avoid his paw altogether but before she could Little One had already grabbed his claw.

" Something like that. He slept the whole morning and most of the afternoon, now he's just bursting with energy."

Philomel answered trying to hide her shock at the baby as she silently hopes that he wouldn't get injured playing with something so dangerous. The wolf, on the other hand, was having a field day, his lips curved into a wide grin, showing off all his sharp teeth as his tail started to wag.

" Most elf children cry just at the sight of me. Yet, he is just so happy to see me. May I?"

He asked as he reached out to Little One with both clawed paws. Philomel's mind immediately sends out warning signs to her motherly instincts but the look of pure joy on his face.

"This might be his first time holding an elf baby and might be a big moment for him... Must be terrible to be always seen as a villain right off the bat, with no one giving a chance at least a second thought to judge based on character. "

Philomel thought to herself before realizing that she did the same as well. She knew it was quite shallow of her but she couldn't help it, it was taught to her from the start. Just like how light elves were taught to kill dark elves on sight. Her heart couldn't help but wish for a different world, a different tomorrow, one where the blessing of one race doesn't mean the destruction of another. Even though she knew it was impossible, she still wanted to at least take a step, just one small change for the better.

" Knock yourself out."

She replied as she hands the baby over to him. Little One looked so small in his huge paws as he examined the fur on his fingers and the pads on his palm. Touching and pulling every part even so the wolf held him so gently and tenderly as his smile grew with each tug.

" Thank you for this. Not many mothers trust me with their Little Ones."

The words managed to find their way out of his huge grin as he held the baby against his chest.

" I can see why ... Mister umm..."

She trails off realizing that she doesn't know his name.

" Hector."

He replied when he noticed her struggle.

" Nice to meet you, Hector. I'm Philomel but you can call me Mel."

" Nice to meet you as well Mel."

" Ah... Aibboooooing. "

Little One squealed as he tries to grab Hector's wagging tail.

" Must be nice to have a tail, just one wag and you'll never have to worry about keeping a baby entertained."

Philomel commented as she sat down next to Hector. Hector laughed at her words.

" I bet you wouldn't think that after your tail has been caught on a closing door a couple of times."

He laughed as he admits, Philomel couldn't help but giggle along.

" Hey, starting to think about it, it's pretty quiet all of a sudden. Has the battle out there ended?"

" First wave is over there's still some time until the second wave."

Hector informed, filling her in.

" Second wave?! Just how many waves are there??"

She exclaimed as one of her hands covers her gaping mouth.

" Oh, around 5 to 6. It goes on until daybreak."

" Haven't you thought to move? Go somewhere safer?"

" There's nowhere for us to go. My kind isn't accepted around these parts. Even the light elves who stood up for us when fighting for equality were banished as punishment. This is the only place where we can live in harmony. "

Hector shook his head. Philomel fell silent, feeling sorry for them. Philomel's home may be in a catacomb in the middle of a desert and is also facing a good shortage but at least the dark elves don't have to face rampaging demons every night.

" Ah, so you were here. I was about to call you and your husband for dinner. Where is your husband?"

Elder elf questioned as she approached them. Philomel was stunned, as she wreaked her mind wondering what the elder woman was talking about. Who's husband was she asking about? Before finally recalling Amon and her little screw-up just hours ago.

" Amon knocked out as soon as he saw the bed. This Little bundle of joy really wiped him out, today. I rather not wake him up just yet."

Philomel said with an awkward smile as she rubs the back of her neck.

" Then we'll save a portion for him for later. Come, come, let us eat while everything is still warm."

Elder elf gestures towards the table. Hector stood up, while holding Little One against his chest with one hand, and offered his free hand to Philomel, helping her to her feet. As they approach the table the alluring smell of rabbit stew hits Philomel and made her drool. Her tummy let out a growl informing everyone how hungry she truly was since all she had to eat that day was watermelon. Mainly because, she didn't want to go through the only food stash they had, so quickly, and a good thing too, since this village was facing a food crisis.

Which meant they could only stock up on supplies at the next village, and that was quite far.
