V5 Chapter 50 Silver Lining 2/2

" I heard from Hector what had happened in the daycare. I'm really really sorry... I should have listened to you. Leaving Little One there was a terrible mistake. I'm really glad you managed to get him back safely."

Philomel's voice cracks as she did her best to look like she didn't care. But once she felt tears burning her eyes, she turns away from Amon, trying to hide it.

" Hey, hey. It's alright. You were right though. I heard from Emma and all the other kids, Little One had a great time up to the point he noticed we were missing."

Amon pulls himself up, sitting on the window sill, he reaches out to Philomel but then stops. Silently wondering if it was alright to touch her bare shoulder before deciding against it and leaning his back against the side of the window.

" It still doesn't change the fact that he was put into greater harm! What if you weren't there in time to save them??! A little girl and a baby... they are someone's whole world... they are someone's little darlings... "

Philomel softly muttered as guilt, fear, anger, and confusion hits her all at the same time. Never again, she never wanted to put another child in danger, ever again .... and did her best this time to reduce getting attached... Her best to keep Little One safe and happy. Yet they found their way to Mountmend!

A place no light elf child should go! Philomel sighs as she recalls hiking up there to scout the place out. All the shadow creatures called out to her, chanting her name with their many voices joined. Creating a demonic symphony with a conductor straight from hell, directing everyone's bellowing shrieking voice that made her feel like she was an outcast.

It reminded her of how Asclepius, called out her name, and the entire tribe followed in chorus. How she was so angry at Asclepius but couldn't do anything about it. The frustration welled up inside her when all she could do was when she saw her sobbing parents in the distance, as she walks away. How she wanted to cry but she didn't want to give the shadow creatures that satisfaction. How she wanted to run but even if she did it would show weakness, giving them another satisfaction as well. Walking up that mountain was like her own personal hell and knowing two little kids did the same... They probably would have experienced worse.

Why? Why?! She truly thought this through and did her best. How could this small decision, backfire this much?!! If she couldn't even trust herself on making small decisions like this... What about every other choice that lay before them? What about the choices that have Amon's life or her own hanging in the balance? Doubt and fear soon grab a hold of her heart.

"I wanna go home... I wanna go home. I wanna go home."

I repeated in her mind as the feeling hits her badly and she no longer wanted any of this. She just wanted to run home and be in the loving arms of her parents.

" You know. If you always keep your head down, worry like that. You'll miss out on the beauty of this world."

Amon softly informed, making Philomel slowly look up and turn. She watched his broad back for a moment. His dark red hair looked black now that it was slightly wet. The tips of his black shirt were white from the clay, the clay on his neck and arms ran down in streaks. His head slightly turned to Little One babbling as he reaches out for the rain and playfully sprinkled a little onto Little One, making the baby squeal in delight.

" Isn't it beautiful how they reflect the touch light? Like stars falling from the sky. It's only a pity, everyone back at home hasn't experienced such a miracle before their eyes."

Amon softly continues, as he bounces Little One on his knee. Philomel's eyes drifted from Amon to the rain outside. There was no rainbow, there was nothing that truly stood out, it was just a gloomy dark view of the empty street and huts being rained upon. She wondered for a moment, what was so beautiful about it? But then she remembered her desert home. Harsh sunlight, bellowing frequent sandstorms, constant echoing noise of her catacombs home.

Here it was mellow sunlight through branches of green leaves, frequent cool breezes of fresh air, and the pitter-patter of soft rain. Taking it all into account, Philomel finally understood why Amon mistook this place as heaven. He has lived his whole life in catacombs, surrounded by a desert.

" You know, I'm still extremely torn between opinions. This might sound ridiculous but I can't tell if this quest is the best thing that ever happened to me or the worst. "

Amon admits chuckling at how ridiculous it sounds.

" Having to experience strolling to a forest, drinking from a lake, the feeling of rain upon my cheeks. Fresh air wherever I go, food I haven't tasted in years, and new food I have never seen before. On the other hand, there were some things I rather never, experience ever again like almost being eaten by a magical alligator. I can go my whole life without wanting to experience that again. No, thank you!"

Amon exclaimed which made Philomel giggle at his words. Philomel walks up to the window sill, she rests her folded arms on the sill next to Amon.

" It is beautiful."

Philomel finally answers as they watched the raindrops shimmer a dim orange before hitting the ground. Philomel turns to look at Little One who was extremely interested in a drop of rain in his little hands. Shifting his hand and watching it move as it maintains its shape. She noticed Amon watching Little One as well and they glance up at each other. Amon's zebra face drew a little laugh from Philomel as she turns away.

" What? "

He amusingly asks with a smile.

" Your face, it's brown and white. You know if you draw it in patterns and clean up the edges you might be able to pass off as a gazelle."

She teases with a grin as she rests her head in her hand, staring at Amon more boldly than before.

" Then I don't have to worry so much about my disguise but if anyone asks, I'll leave the explanation to you. That if you can give a good explanation of how your hubby turned into a gazelle."

Amon says as he returns back to watching the rain.

" I'll just blame it on the consumption of Leighdale's food."

Philomel confidently answers.

" Oh! Good answer."

Amon comments with a nodding head. The conversation soon fall silent again as they watched the rain together.

" When you come to a conclusion... whether this quest was the best or the worst thing that has ever happened to you... You'll let me know, right?"

Philomel asked as she broke the peaceful silence.

" *Chuckling* Definitely since you're the one who dragged me into this."

Amon said with a laugh as he turns to Philomel just to notice her smiling back at him. They stare at each other for a while, their smile unwavering as they both wonder.

What exactly the quest meant to them?
