V5 Chapter 54 Caught up 2/2

In the Chief's opinion, it was a very fragile marriage and probably would fall apart in moments which made her question why they married in the first place. But then again, she also knew not everyone marries for love and it could have been a diplomatic union. Either way, she was interested in helping them develop at least a decent bond. A relationship that would at least keep them away from each other's throats since they were about to spend the rest of their lives together.

Such a pity the concept of divorce doesn't exist, during this time period. No matter what race, marriage was an eternal concept that brought on much significance to forming the bond for it was until death. But there were many other frowned-upon methods to void the soul-bonding contact, some that even warranted gods to curse the couples. But that's a whole different story.

Amon fell silent, looking down at his dinner. Philomel could sense Amon was uncomfortable being put into a spot like this. Those rings were his only prized possession and he shouldn't have to use them to cover her fake story.

" Oh, umm... I really don't think that's necessary since..."

Philomel trails off before finally deciding it was better to come clean than continue deceiving them.

" Ummm... Actually."

Before she could say anything else Amon interrupted.

" I don't see why not. There are no thieves in our room. Unless Little One plans to play knight and thief later on but I'm sure we would have no problem apprehending him."

Amon says with a small smile as he pulls out the black string from under his white shirt. Two rings that were hanging near his chest clinked together and when they did the two stones shimmed. Amon unties the string laying the two rings in his palm. The rings were both silver in color but one had 4 silver wild roses engraved on the whole top side of the ring. Each rose had a tanzanite stone in the middle that reflected purple or blue depending on how the light hit it. The other ring was just normal curved bands, that had a gap in the middle.

" Beautiful but the boy's ring doesn't look as grand as the girl's one."

Hector points out to which Amon just smiled in reply before slotting the girl's ring into the curve gap of the guy's ring. Revealing that the guy rings was actually showing the vines of the wildflowers and turning the stone into a dark red color. Making the look of the two rings more wholesome since it was like looking at actual red wildflowers entwined around each other in a more metalwork kind of way.

" Stunning and it even has an enchantment to turn the stones, red when the two rings are joined."

Light elf Chief complements and finally understands Amon's reluctance to use them.

" May this be a reminder of my eternal love for you..."

Amon muttered through a twitching smile as his left eye twitched as well. Philomel wasn't sure if it was because he was angry that he had to use his precious parent's rings for this or because his left eye hurts and he felt awkward having to say such a cheesy line. Either way, it made her sad that he was put in a corner because of her. Amon reached out for her hand and Philomel reluctantly gives it to him allowing him to slip the ring on her ring finger.

To Amon's surprise, it was a perfect fit which was shocking, since his mother had slender fingers, and the metal worker informed his father, that it would be unlikely, it would fit on anyone else. Amon was betting that the ring wouldn't fit and he could keep back his treasured rings.

" And may this remind you of my eternal love for you."

Philomel sadly muttered as she takes the ring from Amon's hand and slip it on his finger. Feeling horrible, that the first time Amon was using his father's ring, after taking it off his father's corpse, was not for the joyous occasion when he finally marries the woman of his dreams, but for this... To keep up her web of deceit, to people that didn't even need to be lied to. The ring on her finger felt like a ton that weighed down her hand. As soon as, she places the ring on Amon's finger, her hand just fell to her lap from the imaginary weight.

Hector and Light Elf Chief both clapped for them to show their support on what looked to be a very tender moment between them.

" Woooo! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Hector chanted and immediately earned a glare from the Light Elf Chief. Amon ducks his head at the suggestion, staring down at his food as he swallowed the uncomfortable lump in his throat. In his mind, he silently wondered if Rhane was leading him to Philomel. Wondered if these were all Rhane's signs. Amon watches Philomel from the corner of his eye but sees her sadly looking down at the ring. Made him realize that she was regretting something and made him assume that she finally clarified her wants. Amon assumed that Philomel knew that she wanted to have a ring on her finger and now realize not a ring from anyone but a certain someone. This made Amon slightly disappointed that probably the only girl who could wear his mother's ring was in love with someone else. His shoulders sank as he continued to eat his dinner.

" Hector, don't you see you are making Philomel, shy? Look at the poor dear she can't even look up! Let them both enjoy their meal. "

Light elf Chief scolded Hector making him pout.

" Ah, your such a stick in the mud."

Hector complained with a pout as he stirs his soup slightly disappointed that he didn't get to see them awkwardly kiss. Finding much entertainment to tease shy couples.
