V5 Chapter 62 The Right Path (MTC)

Philomel hummed while she walked down the path. Her right hand continuously flipped the coin and caught it with ease with the same hand. The tunnel soon came to a slightly wider tunnel, the torch in her left hand, lighting their path, revealing extremely uneven soil and scrap marks throughout the whole sides of the tunnels. It was obviously different from the tunnel they came from, there was not a single sight of rock on the walls and even the wooden frames that maintained the structure of the tunnel were nowhere to be seen.

Perception roll

Philomel - 2 (Fail)

Amon - 9 (Fail)

Darzirak- 12 + 10 (Demon sense) (Success)

(Nowhere near Amon, increase speed)

Darzirak = 50 moves away

An obvious change that Philomel never notices as she focuses on flipping the coin in her hand. Amon silently followed behind her, testing out the borrowed short sword in his hand trying to get used to the weight and feel of the blade.

Luck Roll

Philomel- 7 ( Meh Luck)

Amon - 13 ( Lucky)

Is Amon Lucky enough to save both of them?

Roll 7 ( No)

Amon as he jabs the air with the blade, he accidentally trips on his own feet, sending him tumbling to the ground.

" Oof."

At that moment, something leaped out from behind him, furiously bellowing, and came crashing down right on Philomel. Philomel turned just in time to see a gaping mouth that took up half its sliver face, huge sharp mole claws upon its flipper-like hands as the dirt flew along the creature from its sudden leap through the ground.

Saving throw

Philomel - 12 + Speed (5)

Philomel as soon as she saw the creature immediately did a forward flip, landing on her hands and kicking the creature right under its chin, sending the dog-sized creature flying backward. It hit the side of the tunnel but as soon as it touched dirt, it tunneled right through it, disappearing within moments.

" What the hell was that?!"

Amon exclaimed in utter shock, still laying flat on the ground.

Knowledge roll

Philomel - 15 + (Villager intel 5)

Amon- 2

" That right there is a Bulette. From the looks of it a young one. Which means its nest is probably nearby here. "

Philomel informed as the Bulette leaps out again from the tunnel wall at Philomel.

Action Roll

Philomel dodge - 13 + (Speed 5)

She instantly did a forward roll and rolled out of the way of the creature. The creature snarled snapping its huge turtle-like jaws at her before hitting the other side of the tunnel wall and disappearing.

Philomel rolled to Amon's side, grabbed him by the arm, and pulled him up to his feet. She dragged him along as they hurried down the tunnel with the Bulette closely chasing after them.

" You said you wanted to make decisions right? Well, here's your chance! Fight or flee??"

Philomel asked her voice high-pitched and filled with panic.

" There's only one of it and two of us. Not to mention, it isn't that big. We have the upper hand right?"

Amon questioned as he kept looking back at it, watching it leap from the left wall to the right, catching up to them.

" As I said, its nest is probably nearby and if it keeps bellowing like earlier it might call its whole family."

" It's already seen us and from the looks of it, unlike you, I don't have the speed to lose it. Our only option is to kill it or knock it out quickly before it calls the rest."

Amon huffed out already feeling the strain and burn from sprinting all of a sudden. His pace was already falling back to a jog.

" Remember this isn't a short race, it's a marathon. If we get badly damaged or run out of energy before we find our way out of here. This could mean our doom."

Philomel warned as she continued tugging Amon along trying to force him to keep up with her.

" And you said this place isn't dangerous for a dark elf!"

" I didn't say dangerous! I said less dangerous. "

" How is this in any way less dangerous?!"

" Bulette dislikes Dwarf and Elf flesh."

" Then why the hell is it chasing us when it doesn't even wanna eat us?!'

" It doesn't know that until it has tasted us."

" Oh! good to know my body would go to waste after one lick!"

" Better than being eaten. Now, are you absolutely sure you wanna fight that?"

" Yes, I'm sure. Let's kill the weird turtle dog already."

Amon confirmed and Philomel flips the coin into Amon's hand. Amon caught it with ease and look up at her in confusion.


Philomel winding slash - 13

In one swift movement, she stops turns, draws her dagger, winds her feet, and launches herself at the creature. The moment she launches herself, her wind-up feet send her whole body turning as she slashes the creature with her dagger and burns the creature with the torch. Out of experience, practiced movement, and some luck, she manages to lay 3 hits on the creature before landing crouched down on her feet. Two hits with her dagger and one burn with the torch.

Critical hit - 12

The creature howled in pain as her first hit with her dagger sliced through the soft underside of its neck, the burn of her torch hits the top of its hard head causing little damage since it was right on its hard rock-like skin. Her last attack hits and slices the soft flesh between its left leg and torso. The creature was knocked out of its leap path and was sent hurling to the ground. Unfortunately for Philomel, her damage didn't cause any stun to the Bulette and as soon as the land shark touches the dirt, it disappears again but this time much slower than last time. That gaping wound between his inner thigh and torso caused it much pain and was a huge nuisance to its tunneling abilities.

" Oh! Nice one."

Amon chimed as he claps.

" Fight isn't over yet. I just caught it off guard and pi**ed it off."

Philomel informed as she walks backward to Amon's side constantly watching the ground and her surroundings.
