V5 Chapter 66 Good Trade (MTC)

" Feel free to come back through here anytime."

The Mimic informed with a bubbly tone, scaring the heck out of Amon and Philomel.

" Uhhhhh.... sure...."

Amon awkwardly answered as he slowly herded Philomel backward and away from the happy Mimic. Philomel, unfortunately, had other plans, she pushed against Amon's guiding arm, leaning toward the Mimic.

" Wait, what are you doing? It might know the way out."

Philomel whispered to Amon as she stopped him.

" That thing only helps for good food and you just gave it the best thing we have. What if it doesn't like the next thing you dish out and eat us instead?"

Amon whispered back to her as he held her in his arms in a protective way, his eyes never leaving the Mimic.

" That's just a risk we have to take. Its mood has improved after the cream puff, this might be our best chance."

Philomel pointed out as she pushed Amon off her, bluntly reminding him that she didn't need his protection with that one hard shove. Amon was slightly hurt by the gesture but since she was technically right, this whole way she was taking the lead and even saving him earlier. He couldn't help feeling ashamed that a girl was protecting him and that made him think of himself as less of a man.

" Great Mimic, would you please tell us the way out of here in exchange for these sweet blueberries?"

Philomel pulled out the pouch of blueberries offering them to the creature.

Luck roll

Philomel- 5

Amon - 18

" I see, you two aren't miners. Another lost bunch of kids playing too close to the mines, again? *Laughing* It has been so long since I have seen a miner, even longer seeing lost kids. "

The creature said with a heavy sigh thinking back to the good old days when he was just a little chest waiting for its next meal.

" I'll tell you but for something yummier than blueberries."

Its bargains as it licks its lips, trying to savor every last bit of that delicious cream puff. Philomel tapped on Amon's shoulder as she dug through her satchel looking for something else. Amon immediately dug his satchel as well.

" hmm... Baby milk... Oh! What about cheese?"

Amon offered as he pulled the chuck of cheese, he received at the light elf temple.

" Ohh! Deal! The way out is the pathway of the dark knight. Keep heading south and keep to the left tunnels until you see minecart rails. Then just follow those and it would lead you right out. "

The Mimic answered quickly, ready to receive the yummy cheese.

" Path of the dead knight? Then why are you protecting this pathway?"

Amon questioned as he looks down the path, trying to see through the darkness.

" Pathway? This path leads up to a dead end. This the resting area for the miners where they can catch up on some needed sleep or have a meal without some monster making a meal out of them."

The creature informed, its eyes glued to the cheese, already tasting its goodness within its mind.

" Huh... So you were right about that. Well half right, anyway since this isn't the way out."

Philomel softly muttered to herself in surprise.

" Of course, I'm right. All places have a checkpoint in the middle. "

Amon puffed out his chest a little as he spoke, ignoring the fact he was only half right.

" Must we go through the Death Knight to get out of here? Isn't there another way?"

Philomel questioned as she turned back to the Mimic.

" There's no other way. There used to be four knights guarding both exits. One used to be the Death Knight, a paladin. The paladin was blessed by the god Lexi but when the Dragon War happened and the God Lexi disappeared from the heavens, along with his angels.

All creatures blessed by Lexi were supposed to go to his heavenly gates but with no one to escort them to a place that no longer exists. Their souls became stuck in the physical world forever doomed to roam around as Death Knights. Forever repeating the same thing they did when they died.

Unfortunately for you two, that was guarding that exit, and by guarding, I mean killing anything and everything that goes near it. If I were you two, it's better to go back the way you came but since Bulette's hobby is digging and a whole nest of them have been doing just that for the past decades. That place is worst than a maze.

*Laughing* The only good thing about the Death Knight is he keeps the whole section near that exit Bulette free. "

The Mimic said with a laugh.

" But didn't you manage to stop him earlier? Surely you could do it again and trap him here for awhile while we make our way to the exit, in exchange for something better than cheese. How about that?"

Philomel questioned with a knowing smirk. Amon stood at the sidelines gasping at her actions and words, wondering if spending so much time down here had truly driven her mad. To make a deal with a high-level Mimic and expect not to be eaten, they were already lucky the first time. There's no way their luck would be able to hold out for that long!

Luck roll

Philomel- 12 + (5 Mimc in good mood)

Amon- 5 + (5 Mimc in good mood)

" Very well. Give me a taste and if it truly tastes better than cheese to me. I'll help you out. "

The Mimic nodded in agreement. Amon quickly pulled Philomel to the side.

" What do you have in mind? It better be good because I don't plan to end up as its next meal."

" Relax, I still have the Lemon raspberry bread. We will definitely be getting its help."

Philomel said with a grin as she pulls the bread out and tore a small piece from it.

" Remind me to never doubt you."

Amon chimed as he holds up the cheese in his hand and approach the Mimic.

" You want a taste of the cheese or the whole chuck together?"

" Toss the whole thing in then a sample of whatever that's better. I'll give my verdict after that."

Amon and Philomel did as the Mimic ordered and as soon as they saw the creature's eyes widen, its mouth slowly savoring every last bit of that bread, they knew they had secured its help.
