V5 Chapter 77 Sharp Item Detector

" God damn it!"

Amon growled out in frustration as he threw his spear against the pile of rocks that blocked their only exit. The sound of the Behir growling and digging could be heard from the other side, along with crumbling rocks and yelping.

Meanwhile, just a short distance from them Philomel was still trying to comprehend what Little One was doing. Every since Darzirak showed up, Little One has been tightly hugging around her neck, gently rubbing her left shoulder blade and babbling, nonstop. She had tried to move him back a little to get a better look at him but he refused to let go. She wanted to call out to Amon and ask for his help but he seemed busy trying to get Darzirak to help them, safely out of the mines.

This results in Philomel standing there with a very confused expression staring at Amon's back waiting for him to turn around, when he's free and receive her desperate cry for help that was written all over her face.

* pat pat pat pat*

" Ai babu lidim waimalimtin boo."

Little One stuck his tongue out, watching his own tongue flip up and down as he drooled onto Philomel's shoulder. He no longer focused on what he was doing but was more captivated by his small pink tongue. Philomel swayed left and right, in an attempt to put Little One to sleep so that he would stop babbling nonsense nonstop at her. As she did Little One noticed something glistening against the dying flames.

" Aie? "

He questioned as he tilted his little head while still sticking out his tongue.

" Ah, finally..."

Philomel softly sighed to herself as she patted Little One's back, thinking he had finally gone to sleep. She couldn't have been more wrong. Suddenly Little One pressed up on her shoulder with both his hands, prompting himself up and started leaning over Philomel's shoulder.

Philomel feeling herself losing her grip on Little One as he climbed over her shoulder, immediately grabbed his left leg with one hand and placed the other hand behind her back. Her backhand immediately felt Little One's chubby cheek pressed up against it. She pushed against his cheek trying to get him to climb back over her shoulder, back to safety.

Little One however has no intentions of returning, not without touching or pulling what caught his eyes. His little hands stretch and grab air thinking he was a touch away from grabbing it when it was actually a mile away. Philomel having a tight grip on Little One's ankle knew she could stop him from falling but since it was at a very awkward angle, she couldn't push the dangling baby, over her shoulder and back into the safety of her arms. All she could do was hold him there in an awkward position.

Seeing no other choice, Philomel finally decided it was time to disrupt her only hope of getting out of there even though it was an Amon and Darzirak brainstorming session. To her that was already a terrible thing, to allow it to happen and continue to happen.

One was a demon that only wanted to eat dreams and the other was a weirdo entrance guard. The two of them combined could definitely come up with the most useless of ideas but since she was tired and desperate to get out of mine. She was willing to go with it.

" Among, Among! Suicidal baby trying to leap off Mount Philomel, here!"

Philomel called out as she bends forward so that Little One was laying on her back rather than dangling but that only encouraged Little One to push against Philomel's hand and wiggle his way closer to his goal.

" Whoa, little buddy, slow down. What's your hurry?"

Amon questioned Little One as he pick up Little One and cradled Little One in his arms. Little One immediately stood up on Amon's hand, leaning over his shoulder trying to get to the shiny item.

" You wanna touch the pile of rubble back here? "

Amon asked as he close the distance to the dead end and allow Little One to have a closer look at it.

" Watch what he's touching. He loves grabbing sharp objects."

Philomel warned as she stretched.

" You think there's another exit back there? It looks like a wood support frame fell back there too. You can tell from the crushed bones."

Darzirak pointed out with a yawn, feeling sleepy, and wished he was back under Emma's cozy bed.

" Bones?!"

Amon exclaimed as he pulls Little One away from the pile of rubble.

" Eih!"

Little One protested.

" Where bones?! I can barely see my hands in here."

Amon complained as he did his best to see the pile of rubble against the last burning flame that was consuming a decent size wood near the collapsed entrance. It took him a while but he finally found bones that were much further away from where Little One wanted to touch. The bones resembled the 4 legs of some creature. From the looks of it, the creature was pinned down under the rubble and ripped out its legs in order to escape its pinned fate.

" Hmm... Whatever did this to itself must be having a hard time. Surviving without 4 of its legs must be hard. "

Philomel concluded as she squat down to have a closer look at the bones.

" Meh, it's probably doing fine trying to dig up its runaway lunch."

Darzirak waved Philomel off as he pushes a rock off the slanted pile of rubble. The rock rolled and falls onto Behir's slimy foot that was sticking in through a dug-up gap between the rubble. The creature winched and cursed in its language as it quickly pulled its foot out of the small gap.

" Meerrrrrreeeereeeeeeehhhh."

Little One whined as he stretched out, trying to reach the shiny object by now Amon was holding Little One up by just a hand in Little One's small belly, and since Little One was stretched out. It was almost like he was playing superhero flying, if you ignored his frustration of not reaching the shiny object, of course.

" Alright, alright. Here, touch the rocks"

Amon patted Little One's head as he walks back over to the area Little One was stretching out for.

" What's gotten into him? He has never been that eager to touch rocks before."

Philomel questioned as she stood back up.

" Maybe he likes these rocks more?"

Amon guess as he turned to look at Philomel. Little One finally found that shiny part he noticed earlier and without delay he gave it a good tug. The rock, however, was stuck there really well and as soon as it slip out of Little One's grip, it snaps back from where it was pulled. Causing a soft skin slapping sound to emanate.

From the corner of Amon's eyes, he noticed something sharp and yellowish hidden behind the rock that Little One just pulled. It was a split second and Amon couldn't help but wonder what he saw. He slowly turned his head back just to see movement from his upper right. A yellow eye with slits for a pupil snapped open, staring at the collapsed entrance for a moment before looking down at Amon.

It was at that moment, Amon knew he was screwed.
