V5 Chapter 80 Time ticking out

" Damn it."

Philomel softly cursed to herself before the sobs she's been holding back finally broke through her strong persona. As her sobs quivered through her voice, her hands clawed downward as she sank to her knees sobbing at their situation. A situation she couldn't even see clearly through the pitch-black darkness of the mines. Little One feels that Philomel was sad, failing to comprehend why but he burst into tears as well. Amon winched from the impact pain from the fall and the pain of his shaking, nail ripping bleeding right hand, which was holding a now, crying Little One. Amon being the oldest and a man knew he has to push down whatever he was feeling and be the support this fam ... team needed.

[For a moment there Amon thought of them as a family before remembering the situation and correcting it. ]

Amon using his one good hand pushed himself back to his feet and started rubbing Little One's back.

" Little One, Hey, look it's me, Amon! Your best friend! Won't you show that cubby smile to me? Hmm?"

Amon questioned as he did his best cheerful tone and held Little One up high before flying Little One close to Amon's chest so that Amon could kiss the little baby's chubby cheeks. Little One immediately quiet down but he still felt unhappy, he couldn't comprehend that he was sad because he failed to cheer Philomel up but that didn't change what he felt. As soon as Little One quiets down, and started hiding his face in Amon's shoulder, Amon bends down to Philomel, taking out her hand from the rocks and soil, that she has been clawing, in an attempt to claw her way through.

" Mel, just breathe for a moment. Just breathe and everything will be fine."

Amon gently told her as he recalled what his father had always told him in situations similar to this.

" Taking a detour is alright as long as you face the leap of faith after that. "

Amon recalled with a smile as a tear fell from his eye. Even with his eyes opened through the pitch-black darkness, he could feel his father's hand on his shoulder, he could see his father just an arm's length away from him, smiling at Amon with an encouraging smile that seemed to melt away all of Amon's fears. Just a look at his father's expression, Amon already knew what his father wanted to say.

"Calm yourself, steady your mind or you wouldn't be able to see the opportunity that lay right at your feet. It's okay to tap out once in a while given that you stand after that moment and give it your all. Remember that Mon, always remember that."

Just knowing his father was somewhere out there looking out for him, gave Amon peace of mind even though everywhere around him was utter chaos.

Even Darzirak who was so pissed and determined to break out suddenly froze at that phrase. It was a phrase the Drømmeri family has been passing down for decades, a phrase Darzirak couldn't help but recall each and every moment that it has been used throughout the years. Reliving old memory that was why Darzirak choose to stay with the Drømmeri family. To constantly relive that loop of high when he finally found peace within himself. When he finally found happiness with what he had and was no longer jealous of the world around him.

A fleeting moment that now only exists within Darzirak's engraved heart, a heart that he had personally engraved to recall such a miraculous event. The one moment he was free and flew under the sun before the shadows of who he truly is dragged him back down. Back down to a reality that constantly tried to trick Darzirak into thinking, that all of that was just a dream and that never happened. Darzirak knew better which was why he engraved it into his heart but fear and doubt are an enemy that constantly lingers.

Like shadows they never truly disappear, just waiting, waiting for the right moment to drag you down to their depths.

A battle where Amon fell but choose stood back up, choose stood tall as he faced the depths of darkness, and choose to grin as he took the leap of faith. With just that he had won the battle, by choosing to do all he can and standing tall.

" Mel."

Amon tenderly called out as he slowly held her to his chest and Philomel softly sobbed into his shoulder. Philomel felt like she was moving back and forth, between the fine line of a major breakdown and barely holding it together these past few days. She did more than her best to keep everything together but since their current situation was her choice. She couldn't help but feel guilty that she as a leader lead them to their deaths. It was madding enough, having made the right decision just to have it blow up in her face.

If it wasn't for Little One the whole team would have been able to rest, slip past monsters easier, and probably even be able to count on Darzirak for help since they probably wouldn't have found that baby dragon.

But she couldn't hate a baby for missing someone, she couldn't hate Darzirak for bringing back Little One since that was what Amon wanted deep down in his heart, she couldn't even hate Amon for wanting that. For she was worrying about Little One right after leaving the baby. The only thing that bought her comfort was knowing she made the right choice. She kept repeating in her mind, that she made the right choice, and kept questioning why was this even happening to her when she made the right choice.

" The world is too cruel and unfair."

The thought couldn't help but cross Philomel's mind as she sobs into Amon's chest finding comfort in Amon's hand that was patting her back tenderly.

" Mel, I'm here for you, what do you need?"

Amon gently asked, remembering that she asked him the same back when he was having a breakdown. Amon also wondered if he should unbutton his shirt to allow Philomel to get lost staring at his chest and forget she was having a mental breakdown. But then he remembered that Philomel couldn't see in the dark and that he was wearing a T-shirt, there weren't any buttons to unbutton and show off his chest.

"Not to mention, that plan probably wouldn't have worked for Philomel, or would it? "

Amon wondered to himself and found some excitement at the thought of someone as beautiful as Philomel being attracted to him.

" I need to get out of here, now."

Philomel answered between sobs as she prayed silently for a miracle.
