V5 Chapter 87 Team Wailing Swift Breeze 1/5

" You wanna...take that off or something? It's literally lighting up the whole porch."

Darzirak points at the ring as he closes the front door.

" Do you mind? I'm a little preoccupied."

Philomel muttered as she tries to pull Little One away from her face. Little One however was in no mood to let go of Philomel in any way after what she had just tried to do. Little One wails in anger at each pull as his grip tightens around Philomel's head using all the strength he has in his arms and legs, not wanting to allow Philomel to abandon him again.

" Not even out the door and you already need my help. *sighs* Don't pull, the more you pull, the more he is going to hold on. Pat his head and then slowly guide him to move. Remind him how comfortable it is being behind your head."

Darzirak advised as he scanned the neighborhood. Philomel seeing no other choice takes Darzirak's advice and managed to at least get Little One to move to the back. She takes in a deep breath, loving the milk-free air.

" Want me to wrap around your hand? That way I can hide Amon's enchanted ring."

Darzirak offered.

" You know if you just want a free ride, just say so. Don't need to hide your intentions with honeyed words. "

Philomel informed with a frown. Darzirak was offended by this since he did truly want to help protect that ring. It was a family heirloom and held more sentimental value to him than Amon. But since Darzirak would rather kill himself than admit he was a sentimental demon, he decided to just go with it.

" Fine, I don't like walking. Can I have a ride?"

Darzirak politely asked. Philomel smiled at Darzirak's sudden change in nature and response with a nod. Darzirak wrapped around her hand until looking nothing more than a thick black glove with eyes and a month on the sleeve.

Philomel does some light stretching before jogging toward the east of the village with ease. She was moving at quite a slow pace since she was afraid that Little One might let go and preserve whatever energy she had left. As they approached the east side of the village, it was as if walking into a different world. Everywhere was lit with torchlight, and the houses were well-painted and beautiful. The streets weren't filled with people but those who were walking about, laughed as they wobble their way home.

There were many guards wandering around the street but none of them look like they were on duty for they were talking with each other and not even paying attention to their surroundings. At the corner of each street had beautifully carved signboards, indicating where everything is. It didn't take long for Philomel to find the shop area and there each shop look more interesting and colored than the last as their signboard hung above the shops. Philomel couldn't help but feel tempted in going in and having a look. Unfortunately, since they were on a time-crunching mission, she repressed the urge to.

Within moments Philomel finds herself standing in front of the potion shop and just as she's about to go in.

" Ah! "

Darzirak hissed in pain as he was flung from Philomel's hand to the ground. Philomel quickly turned to Darzirak, shocked at what happened.

" Darzirak? What's wrong?"

Philomel asked as she bends down and checked on him.

" It's a type of protection magic, it circles the shop. I don't know what kind but it's definitely quite unique for it to be able to keep me out. "

Darzirak grumbled as he licks his nonexistent wounds, slightly annoyed that he has shrunken a lot more due to that protection magic.

" Makes sense since this place is quite close to Mountmend. If there's a dark creature breaks out then this protection barrier would keep the shop safe even after a demon rampage. Sound like a very good investment."

Philomel complement which just made Darzirak frown.

" Good investment or not, you better be careful. If this person took safety precautions for a demon attack. I don't want to know what safety precautions they took for thieves. Even though it pains me to say this. I suggest that you don't steal what we need. I have been around for quite some time now and I have seen the type of gruesome protection spells they have especially for thieves. I even saw a thief be turned into a rat and get run over by a wagon the moment it ran out of a shop. "

Darzirak warned. Philomel grimaced at the thought.

" Ok, okay I get your point."

Philomel waved him off and she was about to stand back up, Darzirak stopped her by grabbing at her arm.

" Run over by a wagon, that just appeared and disappeared after crushing the rat right on its back legs. The rat was still alive, dragging itself away and suddenly poof five cats appeared. Those cats fought over the rat and I could still remember its terrible squeaks as it had been torn apart bit by bit. Magic has its limits but never curses. "

Darzirak finished his tale, let go of Philomel, and went back to licking his wounds. Philomel could already feel her throat go dry and cold sweat running off her chin. She swallowed hard as she go up and turned toward the potion shop.

" Just go in and ask the potion prices, nothing more. I won't be cursed as long as I don't steal."

Philomel remind herself as she took in a deep breath. Her hand pushes open the door and almost immediately a melodies jingle rings from the bell location just above the door. Right in front of Philomel was a table that had potion neatly arranged upon it. In front of each potion was a card, that has the same design as the potion label that stood behind the card. Each card told the potion that stood behind its name, effects, and price. The table stood in the middle between shelves filled with potions and each with its own card in front of it. Beyond the table was some distance of space before a counter. The counter didn't have any potions but behind the counter was a huge shelf filled with different baskets holding different ingredients that had a label hung in front of each basket. Potion bottles of different colors, sizes, and shapes filled the little shop with each dazzle and wonder.

Little One could help but stare and babble in awe as Philomel passed by the table and the shelf, walking right up to the counter. She stood there waiting as her eyes traveled around, highly tempted to slip something into her pocket since the shopkeeper was nowhere in sight.

Philomel picks up a nearby potion, the card informs her that it was a potion of Clairvoyance that cost one thousand gold. A potion that boosts senses to the max for a day. Philomel couldn't help but think of how useful this would have been in the mines. Nothing would be able to sneak up on her, she would be able to sense which tunnel has the most traffic and the general area where the exit is. If she had this potion, she probably would have walked through the whole mines in under half an hour in shadow time and come out perfectly fine. Since she could time herself and sneak past all monsters or foes.

Philomel swallowed hard as she stare down at the uniquely shaped bottle that contained a swirling yellow syrup. Her arm muscles tense as it begs her to quickly shove the potion into her pocket or slip it down her boot.

She stared down at the bottle so hard that she noticed her own yellow-tinted reflection staring right back into her. Her blue pupils were so small as they strain to stare at the potion, and her face was slightly warped in shape due to the bottle, but her lips which were pressed into a thin line, were reflected perfectly. She could see a bead of sweat dripping from her forehead and sliding down her left cheek.

Her sight soon eased up, now she could see half of her stressed thinking face that was in a slightly tinted yellow and the other half was just showing the pure brilliant swirling yellow that was calling out to her. Whispering all the possibilities, all the options, all ideas of how she could use it to make her quest so much easier. No more suffering, no more pain, and no more tears. All right there within her grip.
