V5 Chapter 89 Team Wailing Swift Breeze 3/5

" Legends foretold, a lassy more divine and elegant than our Queen

Her simmering hair, finely spun silver thread, her eyes more golden than gold

treasure of the sea for a pirate like me

All, hands on deck!

Rig the sails,

to treacherous waters we set sail!

With a sway of her hand, your heart be glad

stolen by the goddess of the sea

Sweet melodies, lulls so close

beautiful demon of the sea

Voice smooth as silk, calling your name

Forgetting to steer clear

into the rocks, the ship will fall

Never be fooled by the goddess of the sea

blinks your eyes, hold on tight

within your grasp, she'll drag you

down to the deepest depths of the sea

to the deepest depths of hell

We'll all go willingly for a glimpse,

for a kiss from the treasure of the sea. "

Roars of drunken laughter shook the halls, as knights holding mugs of ale, cheered and drunk. Continuing the next song for their off-key drunken singing group to sing along. Philomel awkwardly makes her way through the huge half-empty tavern hall. Dodging drunken sleeping knights on the ground, she swiftly made her way to the quest board, in the far corner of the tavern.

Little One head turned, getting excited from the drunken singing and cheers. His little hand waves toward the knights as the others remain in a tight grip on Philomel's collar. Philomel ignoring Little One's tugging pull and squeal, scans through all the quests hung on the board. From left to right, she read the price, immediately frowning at such a sight. Realizing even if she did every quest upon that board, it would be enough to buy the last potion Amon so desperately needs.

With a sigh, she takes a seat in one of the tavern booths, right next to currently sober knights. Philomel with a quick movement signals for an ale from a nearby waitress. The waitress immediately takes a mug of ale from the serving tray she was holding above her shoulder and places it on Philomel's table.

Without a word, Philomel slips a silver coin to the waitress and she returns Philomel 30 copper pieces. Philomel couldn't help but hold her forehead as she takes back the change. Disheartened that even Ale has been jacked up to such a ridiculous price. Philomel brings the warm ale to her lips about to enjoy its soothing taste when Little One unconsciously kicks her hand. Philomel didn't spill a drop but it caused the mug to hit her upper teeth hard causing pain to spread throughout her mouth.

She immediately put the mug down, winching at the pain as she holds her mouth. Her free hand moves to Little One, but since Little One was distracted by the drunken singing, he forgot to hold tightly to Philomel, which resulted in Philomel taking him off her shoulders with ease. As soon as Little One realized his mistake, he wraps his hands and legs tightly around Philomel's hand, unwilling to let go as he whined. Philomel allowed Little One to have her hand as she lays him down on the cushion within the booth. With her other free hand, she takes a swing of her ale, letting out a satisfied sigh as she drinks a portion and set the mug down, wiping her mouth with her free hand.

Little One seeing that Philomel had no intention to take her hand away from him, relaxes as he slowly sits up, holding Philomel's thumb in one hand while the other held her pinky, he rests her hand on his lap and he turns back to the singing knights.

" Ah bain ba lan bo ren donge. "

Little One struggled to babble along but since the knights were so drunk that the words mush together and were no longer coherent. Little One's attempt at singing fit in perfectly, heck it even has the same off-key, off-rhythm, a slur to it.

Philomel rested her head in her hand, watching Little One with a grin before that very same grin faded from reality. There was no way doing the tavern's quest would earn enough gold to cure Amon. Not to mention even if it was enough, they would still have to do it under the span of slightly more than 2 hours. Philomel sign at the thought as the hand that was supporting her head lost strength and brought her head down to the table in a slow descent.

With her face down on the table, all Philomel could feel was defeat and extreme exhaustion. Her head kept feeling heavy along with her eyelids and sleep was almost all she could think about. Each time she was about to let out a yawn, she bit her tongue, using the pain as a way to keep her awake. She can't give up, especially now when Amon's life is at stake. She sat up with determination and pounded the table with her hands as her head snaps back up.

Unfortunately, doing so Philomel unconsciously pulled her hand away from Little One. Little One froze in shock for a moment before starting to cry.

" Oh! No, don't cry. See, you can have the hand back. You can have it."

Philomel quickly puts her hand back into his lap as she pats his back soothingly. Little One silently sniffed as the tears stung his eyes but didn't fall. Little One hugs Philomel's hand, clinging to it with both hands and feet.

" Why are you suddenly so clingy? You know I can't work if you're holding me like that. "

Philomel questioned as she pointed out and Little One just stare at her with his big ocean-blue eyes, having zero idea what Philomel was saying but knowing she was saying it to him.

" I better deal with this first before Darzirak comes back. Even if we managed to brainstorm a great idea, it would be extremely hard pulling it off when you're clinging to me like that. But even after that is said... what to do about it?"

Philomel wondered out loud as she stares at Little One climbing up her arm, like a little Koala Bear. Little One then came to the point where Philomel's arm was slanted upward, it was much harder to climb up and Little One grabs the end of Philomel's glove. Since it wasn't very secure, Little One lost his grip and was sent tumbling back down onto the cushion of the tavern's booth, pulling Philomel's glove off her arm in an inside-out way along with him. Little One was about to whine but Philomel quickly started patting his head.

" Hey, hey. Don't cry. See you're still holding onto me. See, this may not be me but it's linked to me. I can't go anywhere. "

Philomel pointed out as she guided Little One's gaze to her half pulled off gloves. She tugged and pulled at the glove softly. Showing that it wasn't coming off and that he was still technically holding her.

" Eih? "

Little One tilted his head as he pulled on the glove as Philomel did. He was extremely confused at first but seeing that Philomel was still nearby when he was holding it, made him relax and felt at ease enough to allow his gaze to wander from her. Philomel seeing that this could work, wonder how far could she put this. She quickly took off her glove and touched the end with the tip of her finger before calling out to Little One.

" Little One."

Little One immediately turn to look at Philomel and noticed her hand touching the glove. He was confused but seeing that Philomel was still there while he was holding it, he soon felt at ease and allowed himself to get distracted. Philomel wanting to take it to the next level took off one of the shoelaces from her knee-high boots. It took some convincing for Little One to take the shoelace and let go of the glove but he eventually did. Philomel then place the shoelace as far as it could go and stood at the end of the shoelace.

Little One watched her for a moment before relaxing. Philomel kept calling out to him as she move further and further away from the shoelace. Little One found this to be a fun game and kept turning to look at Philomel without her even calling out to him. Very soon Philomel was a whole tavern away from Little One. Delightfully surprised, Philomel ran up to Little One wanting to praise and hold him. As soon as Little One saw that the shoelace was not in a straight line leading up to Philomel, he started whining and was about to cry but before he could Philomel scooped him into her arms and gave him a big kiss.

" You have done so well! Up until the last part. It doesn't make sense to you if the string isn't leading up to me, huh?"

Philomel clarified with a teasing tone as she blew raspberries into his cheek causing Little One to squeal in delight.
