V5 Chapter 116 The baby can do it?!!

Philomel giggled as she stop Little One from crawling into the lake and carried Little One in her arms.

" You wanna swim? You wanna swim too! Don't you?? Don't you??! Aren't like the scary cat, Among. You're a professional swimmer."

Philomel asked Little One in a cutesy tone as she bounced the baby in her arms.

" Oi! This is scary, okay? I have never seen more than a barrel of water before and now here I am surrounded by it like the desert. How can you not be overwhelmed?"

Amon questioned as his feet dug into the ground, fearing that the water would sweep him off his feet. Even though that was the main foundation of swimming which he wanted to do.

" Because the desert is the bottom of an ocean."

Philomel simply stated which main Amon was more confused than he already was.

" Uhhh... Are you okay over there? Or did you bump your head?"

Amon questioned, slightly concerned.

" I'm perfectly fine! Among! Do you really think our ancestors would build a tribe in the middle of a desert? It used to be a lush beautiful forest that touches the ocean shores. But thanks to our ancestral curse, everything turned into sand. Even the beautiful waterfall that stretched to a long river that connected to the ocean. Heck! Our curse even pushed back the ocean for a couple of miles. Every ocean at the bottom has sand, therefore every desert used to be an ocean, once upon a time, a long time ago."

Philomel explain in a very weird twisted way that was both contradicting and yet made sense. Even now Amon could feel the sand and the rocks that he was burrowing his feet into. He couldn't ignore the fact that there was sand there and the possibility of it all but he couldn't accept that fact either.

" Look at him go!! He's a natural!!"

Philomel exclaimed, Amon, turn around and was shocked to see Little One swimming near Philomel. Of course, Little One wasn't really swimming, Philomel was standing on one leg balancing Little One's stomach on her knee as Little One splashed around, squealing. But with all the shadows of the lake, Amon had no way of telling what Philomel was doing underwater. All he could see was Little One splashing around and Philomel's hands nowhere near that baby.

" That's my Little One!!! By the gods! You must have been blessed!!"

Amon chimed with a huge smile as he swoop over and lifted Little One into the air. Just so extremely proud of the baby.

" Swimming is so easy that even a baby could do it unlike some overgrown scary cat over there."

Philomel teased as she stared at Amon with a smirk. Amon pouted as he turned away, extremely happy that Little One was so talented but at the same time a little embarrassed that he couldn't do it.

" It's probably because he has someone close by to save him whenever he started sinking."

Amon made a lame excuse before realizing he was being a spoilsport. With a sigh, he turned back to Philomel.

" Fine, I'll do as you teach but just promise you'll be close by to catch me."

Amon says with a huff.

" I don't know if I can catch someone your size but I won't let you drown."

Philomel chimed as she took the baby from Amon's arms and places Little One on her shoulders.

" D- Drown?"

Amon softly repeated with a small gasp.

" Oh you know. When you're head is underwater for too long and you run out of air as water fills your lungs. Don't worry! You'll be fine! Now lay down. "

Philomel chimed as she whacked him in his back and grab his shoulder pulling him downward. Before Amon could even react, Philomel kicks his feet up and locked her knee right under Amon's waist. Amon immediately grabbed Philomel's free hand with both his hands when he felt his feet being kicked up.

" Relax will you? I got you."

Philomel soothingly says as she held his shoulders. Amon's whole body was tense in her arms, his head was craned up not allowing the water to cover his chest as his legs curved, standing on the sole of his feet awkwardly.

" The more you tense the more you'll sink. Remember saying that you'll follow what I teach? Just close your eyes and imagine yourself laying down on a soft bed.

Philomel reminded and instructed. Amon frown slightly, regretting saying that but either way, he had to do it if he wanted to swim. Closing his eyes, Amon took in a deep breath and slowly bit by bit relaxed.

" Good, good."

Philomel praised as her arm from his shoulders, slowly moving lover to his back. She took Amon's hands and guided him to hold on to the shirt she was wearing. Slowly moving her other hand under his knees and lifting him under the water.

" Ok now open your eyes and remain in that state of mind. The water is your bed and it's holding you up."

Philomel reminded as she removed Amon's main support, standing on her two feet and moving back a bit. Amon could feel and see he was floating. He slowly let go of Philomel and soon started floating away from her but she always kept her hand a grab away.

" That's it, you're doing great. Now slowly move your arms backward and soft light kicks and you're swimming. "

Philomel instructed as she demonstrated with her arms. Amon copied and slowly began moving around.

" That's it! Congratulations, you're swimming."

Philomel chimed with a smile.

" So this is swimming... I feel like a cloud drifting along with the water."

Amon says in a daze since he couldn't hear Philomel. All he could hear was the water pulling to and fro. Echoing into his ear like a sweet love spell. Above him he watched the orange sky peaking through the leaves of the tree, watching the clouds move across the sky like he was moving across the lake.

Amon took awhile in this sweet serenity before standing back on his own feet and turning to Philomel. Philomel was holding Little One in her arms and pointing at the fish in the distance. Little One couldn't see the fish, so he was silently staring at where Philomel was pointing and trying to see it.

Amon using the same principle that he learned, try to copy the way Philomel towards him earlier and found it more simple than he thought it was. With his head sticking out of the water, his legs and arms moving. Amon swims next to Philomel with ease before standing up quickly. Philomel was started by the sudden movement but calmed down when she noticed it was Amon.

" I see you're getting used to the water."

Philomel commented with a grin.

" Thanks to you."

Amon takes Little One from her arms and then pushed her into the water. Philomel let out a cute squeal before hitting the water. She stood up with a huge pout that made Amon laugh at her.

" Why you!!"

Philomel swung her arms and splashed Amon with a huge wave of water. Little One squealed in delight as Amon turned so that Little One wouldn't get hit by the water.

" Hey! *Laughing*"

Amon laughed as he did the same back to her and run off.

" Get back here!!!"

Philomel ordered as she chased after him, ready to splash him with more water.
