V5 Chapter 121 Challenger

" Let me get this straight... Since the last time you saw us, you stalked us for 2 weeks, follow us all the way to Alryne, stole a couple of horses, rode all the way here, spent 2 weeks camping here, got bored waiting for us, and dug a hole that big?"

Lenny summarised with an exhausted expression as he sat on a huge bolder, looking at Amon.

" You forgot the part where we got attacked by bears."

Amon added.

" By bears?"

Lenny huffed out, an extremely tired sigh.

" Yeah, big ones."

Amon nodded as he gestured, the rouge size of the bears before pressing his lips into a thin line, staring at Lenny with such big eyes as he sweated out half a waterfall. Nearing his limit of fibbing so much.

" Ah, yes ... The so-called big brown bears that ate your uncle and chased away the horses."

Lenny added as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

" Poor Uncle Felix but I guess it was for the best. Since we did steal his horses and kinda lost it when the big bears attacked."

Amon shook his head as he grasp his hands together with a slightly bowed head. As if he was having a silent moment for this Uncle Felix before wiping sweat from only his eyes.

" The Uncle you met Alryne, stole his horse, rode 6 miles from the kingdom, and decided it was a good idea to stop camp here. Then wonder how this Uncle Felix managed to catch up to you on foot 3 days later?"

Lenny sarcastically repeated.

" Yeah, that was a huge shock to me as well. Imagine that! A horse salesman spent 3 days hunting down for us, all alone on foot! Leaving his extremely doing well horse selling stables. Just to gain back two horses that were stolen! That must have been some dedication! In fact, I don't even have to imagine it, since that's exactly what happened."

Amon nodded with his eyes as wide as they could go and lips that had been pressed in such a thin straight line, it almost looked like Amon didn't have lips, and just had a gaping hole for a mouth. Lenny giving up all hope in the conversation, looked up to the sky. As he silently prayed to Luna, begging her to bless him with the patience to deal with this without killing a fellow light elf.

" Is that truly what happened, Mel? I there anything you would like to add or anything you would like to correct? Especially around the big bears and Uncle Felix part?"

Lenny asked as he turned to where he last saw Philomel. Just to see there was no one there. Lenny immediately sprang to his feet, and he quickly scanned the area for Philomel but when he couldn't find her. Lenny turned back to Amon, Amon immediately stared down at the ground, avoiding eye contact as he quickly thought of some excuse.

" Estrella! Where's the girl?!"

Lenny asked Estrella as he glared at Amon, knowing that if he asked Amon, Amon would give him another, even longer grandfather story of the disappearance of Philomel and Lenny had more than enough tall tales like that!

" She disappeared into the bushes 10 minutes ago."

Estrella casually answered as she rocks the baby in her arms.

" And you didn't bother to inform me?"

Lenny did his best to maintain his cool but his smile kept twitching and his tone did nothing to hide his annoyance.

" Never draw attention to a lady in the bushes and never acknowledge unladylike sounds that come out from said bushes. That's just extremely rude! How can you embarrass someone who must heed nature's call? That's just wrong!"

Estrella said with a huff, slightly angry that she had to explain something so obvious. Her mind couldn't help but think all guys were annoying. Since guys would put ladies on such a high pedestal that they forget or block out the fact that ladies are human too and like all things in nature, needed to use the bathroom as well. This only made doing such a thing extremely hard, especially around gentlemen who the ladies have taken a fancy to since they want to be nothing be perfect in the eyes of such a man.

Estrella couldn't help but dream of a day when girls didn't need to hide or feel the shame of farting or using the bathroom around gentlemen.

[ Then again it's such a preposterous dream to even have in the first place! Why am I even recording this down?! Is this even necessary to be here?

I question myself as I felt the urge to put down my pen but then I recalled that this is now my duty as a fate recorder. I sigh wanting a holiday but then remembered that Wednesday was just around the corner and its fate public holiday. Where the workers would be split into two batches and half are able to have a day off while the other batch has to record two different books of fate at the same time then batches would exchange for the next day. Insuring all have a day off. I grinned, knowing exactly how to spend my day off as I continue my work. ]

Lenny inhaled sharply, taking in calming breaths.

" Estrella, that is a very good thing to do between ladies but Mel, in her current situation would have been doing some unholy that doesn't involve staying in a certain bush for some time. It could have been planning another ambush in an attempt to steal our equipment."

Lenny nicely explained with a twitching smile.

" Oh, then I should probably inform you that Amon sneaked into the bushes just now as well."

Estrella informed with a pointing finger. Lenny immediately turned back to where he last saw Amon and was about to give chase when Amon's head appear from behind a tree.

" Relax, and stay for a moment. With all these talks about bushes, you made me wanna use one."

Amon waved Lenny off as he finished up and button back up his pants before coming back out into the open. Lenny couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose again.

" I grow tiresome of all this sneaking around and other plots. Can't we all just finish this like real knights and end this out with one face-to-face battle?"

Lenny whined.

" Agreed! Unfortunately, Estrella shall be stepping out of this battle since she is holding a baby."

Philomel's voice suddenly chimed from the trees above as the branches shook from tree to tree. A spear flew out from the tree and Amon caught it with ease.

" I can agree to those terms."

Lenny nodded as his hand hovered over his blade. Philomel flipped from the trees above, landing next to Amon with ease.

" If we win, we get any weapon, equipment, and item or anything else they want from the loser. "

Philomel added on.

" If I win, then both of you give up being thieves and join the circus."

Lenny added with a laughing point. Philomel and Amon both turned to each other. Amon gestures to Philomel a flat hand tilted left and right, telling her he was indifferent to the situation.

" Circus... Little too much. How about we just give up being thieves and help you on your journey? We are definitely more useful and draw less attention than 5 full armor knights. "

Philomel cunningly suggested knowing that, that would give her more advantages to steal the Miracle child from them. Lenny thought for a moment, he quickly concluded that having a thief would increase their advantages in estimating a method of attack from an opponent and with Philomel's speed. They could easily sneak the miracle child to safety in a dangerous situation. Lenny nodded indicating that he has agreed.

" Also! If Lenny wins, you give back my spell book and staff."

Estrella quickly added when she noticed that it was missing. Lenny crossed his arms and stared accusingly at Philomel.

" Just in case, she butts and cast a spell. We'll give it back to her if you guys win."

Philomel says with a shrug as Lenny rolled his eyes.

" Probably..."

Philomel softly added as she grinned at Amon, Amon snickered in response and Lenny shook his head disapprovingly. Estrella pouted but knew that she would get back her things since Lenny would definitely win, even if the odds were against his.
