V5 Chapter 123 Play Time Over

" I win."

Philomel smugly whispers to Lenny. Completely pleased with herself before noticing Lenny's heart rate beating against her own, matching her speed but was off her pace. It felt like her heart was pounding at an unnatural speed which felt scary but at the same time interesting. She barely noticed Lenny's hazel eyes sparkling as his shocked expression slowly melted into a blissful goofy smile.

Her attention finally came back to Lenny when his chiseled jawline move closer to her. Her blade was still near his neck but Lenny didn't care. He pressed up against the blade, causing blood to spill out when the dagger nicks him. Philomel shocked pulled back the dagger, not wanting to hurt Lenny further. Lenny's head leans forward kissing Philomel on the cheek as he stares at her with such soft eyes.

Philomel instantly blushes as she gasp at the sudden kiss, her lips tremble, trying to think of something to say but her brain malfunctioned unable to think of anything as he opened and closed her mouth like a fish out of water. Lenny let out a deep chuckle as he ran a hand through his mahogany chestnut brown hair, extremely happy at Philomel's cute reaction. Amon bubbled with anger as he lets out a low growl that no one noticed.

" Lenny, times up, we must get going or we would be late."

Estrella informed as she looks at her pocket watch.

" * Chuckles* Very well."

Lenny laughed with a nod.

" Going? What about!"

Philomel finally manages to say but Lenny instantly silences her by running a finger from her jaw to her chin and gently guiding her to look back at him.

" You did well and I was extremely impressed but unfortunately, the time has come to stop playing around."

Lenny says with a sigh before turning back and smiling at Philomel. With the snap of Lenny's fingertips, a purple barrier suddenly appeared around Amon and Philomel. Philomel quickly stabs her dagger at it but her attack bounces off the barrier. With the swirl of Lenny's finger, both barriers were lifted into the air and combined. Turning it into one big floating cube barrier that trapped both Philomel and Amon within. Amon immediately banged against the barrier but knowing how hard it was to break the blue barrier, he already knew, his attempts were in vain.

" Mark of Aston! Come to me! Bloodline inheritance!"

Estrella called out with a raised hand, instantly her staff and spell book flew out of the hiding place where Philomel hid them and hovered around Estrella. Estrella took a sweet time taking the book from the air, and putting it back into her satchel before grabbing her staff.

" That's so unfair!"

Amon whined with a growl. Philomel stayed silent knowing that if both teams joined, they would have more opportunities to kidnap the miracle child.

" Well that's just life, sometimes you do your best and still lose."

Estrella shrugged.

" I don't think I would like to impart that saying on these lost lambs."

Lenny frowned as he thought for a moment and gestured for Estrella to pass him something. Estrella without a word pulled out another book from her satchel and passed it to Lenny. Lenny stared at the book cover, fingers tracing on the title before walking up to the barrier.

" Seeing how winning like this, isn't very satisfying for either of us. How about we call it a draw instead of our side winning? And in the event of a draw we exchanged items? In exchange for that kiss on your cheek, I trade with you my mother's favorite story. I'm not one for romance but it is a good read to pass the time."

Lenny admits as he opens the barrier a small crack and passes the book to Philomel. Philomel takes the book from Lenny, silently reading the title.

" I guess that would be a nicer way to part on good terms."

Estrella agrees with a nod as she pulled out a potion.

" This is a magical potion that cures any quick spreading sickness. There is only enough to use 3 times, so used it wisely."

Estrella informed as she passed the small vail to Amon.

" And in exchange, can you whisper to me 'good morning sunshine' in that husky voice of yours?!"

Estrella excitingly added.

" Uh..."

Amon awkwardly grabs hold of Estrella's hand, pulling her closer.

" Good Morning Sunshine ."

Amon whispers into her ear before letting go of her hand.

" Ah!!!"

Estrella excitedly squeal in delight, her face blushing as she held her cheeks and leaps for joy a few times. She suddenly turned around, looking at Amon for a moment.

" Good job! That was exactly what I wanted."

Estrella praised with a thumbs up.

" Uhh... You're welcome?"

Amon awkwardly says as he rubs the back of his neck.

" Well then it's best if we made a move. Cya soon, my kitten."

Lenny says with a wink at Philomel which just made her shyer.

" Hey! Wait! What about the barrier?! You can't just leave us like this!"

Amon reminded with a worried tone as he bangs against the barrier.

" Oh, Don't worry! That's just to make sure you don't follow us like last time. I'll undo the barrier once we are a good distance away."

Lenny informs as he turns and starts making his way back to the carriage.

" That's right! Don't want you two cuties to ambush us again any time soon but if it's tomorrow then I'm totally up for it! I'll be looking forward to catching you in my arms, Sir Amon."

Estrella teased as she blew Amon a kiss before running after Lenny. Amon gave a shocked expression before turning away and blushing a bit.

" I know I asked this before but... Did I miss something important? Why were they begin so nice to us?"

Amon asked again.

" I guess all light elves are as nice as them just that we never noticed since we never received such treatment."

Philomel answers with a sigh as she leans against the barrier, wondering what would the world be like if everyone were as nice as that to everyone else despite race or religion.

" You doing okay?"

Amon asked slightly concerned as he turns back to Philomel.

" I'm fine, why?"

Philomel wondered out loud as she turns to look at Amon.

" Well... Your plan and hard work of two days came undone with a cheap cheat move like that. If it was me I would be pissed off."

Amon answered as he fiddled with the small vial in his hand.

" I didn't expect to lose but we did find out why Lenny was so confident with himself to the point where he doesn't even wear armor. This may be a slight setback since now we found out he has two magical stones instead of one but on the other hand, we gained useful information. There must have been a reason why he used that as his last resort. A purple stone... I never came across such a stone before but I do know there must be some weakness since he chose to use this for last. "

Philomel theorized as her fingertip traces the edge of the book.

" But don't people normally save the most powerful for last? "

Amon pointed out.

" That is the case for most but if that is so why did Lenny run when he saw me coming? He could have just used his barrier to catch and stop me mid-air, so why didn't he?"

Philomel wondered out loud.

" Hmm... True... he did panic when he saw you."

Amon crossed his arms as he nodded.

" Ha! *Coughing coughing* Should have known you two would be wasting my time hanging around..."

Darzirak says with a weak tone after coughing. Darzirak's body was in the shape of a small wagon that carried both satchels and Little One. Little One squealed in delight seeing Philomel and Amon floating in mid-air as he pulled on Darzirak's long ears.

" Watch... the ears... *Coughing coughing*"

Darzirak wheezed as he choke on dirt. The blue barrier Darzirak had cast around Little One soon flicked and broke.

" Darzirak, you doing okay?"

Amon asked extremely concerned as he leaned against the barrier, trying to get a good look at Darzirak.

" I feel sick..."

Darzirak softly admits as he turned back into a liquid and formed a black puddle under Little One and the satchel.

" Is there a way to cure him?"

Philomel questioned as she sticks her hand out of the small crack in the barrier Lenny made and grabbed her satchel.

" We have to get rid of all the dirt within him. That's probably what's messing him up. I'm really sorry Darzirak, I shouldn't have forced you to eat dirt and dig up that hole after you already said you didn't want to."

Amon apologized.

" It's okay... I'll do anything for you... old friend..."

Darzirak weakly says with a smile as he gazes up at a blurry image of Amon but sees someone else through the young lad.
