V5 Chapter 126 Darzirak the human?

" Okay that... actually explains why he is so obsessed with dreaming. But ... again... why did he need your blood?"

Philomel repeated the question, making Amon realize he went off track.

" Right! Sorry. So Darzirak remembers that he is a human and even yearns to be a human once more but unfortunately he doesn't have enough magic to maintain a human form. Well... more like my bond with him sucks cause I'm not very envious... This is why he can only maintain a dog form. Darzirak because of his yearnings, wanting to be human again, his body subconsciously recreates veins, bones, and even organs. This is why his chest moves like he is breathing even though he doesn't need to breathe. Darzirak even remembers what emotions feel like, just that to him it's more like on the outside looking in.

The only thing that he's missing to feel emotions is a gauge, something to tell him that his breath is hitched or his fake heart rate. This is where the blood comes in. With blood, Darzirak can feel the speed of blood rushing through his veins."

Amon explained but before he could finish Philomel interrupts him.

" With blood and dreams Darzirak can relive begin a human... "

Philomel trails off at the realization.

" With blood, he is technically human."

Amon added with a pointing finger as he took another bite of the apple.

" What did Darzirak dream about?"

Philomel asked as she picked up Little One to stop him from climbing up Amon's arm.

" I don't really know. Whenever Darzirak replays a memory, I only see the parts he wants me to see."

Amon shrugged as his hand pretends to be a snake hovering around Little One, avoiding Little One's little hands that tries to grab his hand. Looking for undefended parts of Little One to tickle causing the baby to squeal and laugh in Philomel's lap.

" Then what did he allow you to see? It doesn't matter what story it is, just tell."

Philomel pressed, now extremely curious about the annoying dangerous demon. A demon that longed to be human one more was unheard of. For each demon willingly gave up humanity to become a demon.

" Hmmm... It was some time before the God war when the earth could feel the animosity of the Gods. War was a blink away from happening and everyone could feel it. I can't really remember all the details but this was what I saw."

Amon informed before he began his tale.


Castle of shimming white, its towers reached out to the heavens as its outwalls bathe in the moonlight. Moonlight creeps through the windows into a gloomy throne room that only had moonlight to highlight the shadows. The throne room was empty, all except a shadow with a glistening crown, sitting on the throne.

" Varrick, I know you're there. Why don't you show yourself?"

A stern voice holding much authority echoes throughout the room. From the shadows, something leaps down, and a slender fit man knelt in front of the king. His hood and mask hid almost all his features, only his pale grassy green eyes reflecting the moonlight could be seen.

" Come closer."

The king ordered with a beckoning hand. Varrick keeping low to the ground, approached closer, stopping near the steps that lead up to the throne.

" You sure that is close enough, Varrick?"

The king's smirked as his violet violent eyes turns a more creepy dangerous darker shade. His hand touches a gemstone on his wrist. Its purple magical glow, lit up half the King's face, revealing a man late in his mid 40, his hair was short and black but had a streak of white within his bangs that nearly touches the corner of his right eye.

Instantly a chain made out of magic appeared from the King's wrist to Varrick's neck. The King gently touches the chain, giving Varrick a little tug. Varrick turns away from the King but his body still crawls up the steps. The King gently guides Varrick until Varrick had one knee on the throne in between the King's legs. Leaning so close that he was a breath away from the King's face.

" You truly wanna hide from your King?"

He questioned as his hand caresses Varick's face through the mask, his thumb pushing down the hood revealing Varrick's silver hair. Varrick's eyes were cast downward, watching the King from the corner of his grassy green eyes. With another move of the King's fingers, he pulled down Varrick's mask revealing his blushing red face and lips that were pressed into a thin line.

" There, isn't that better, Varrick?"

The King purred into the younger man's ears causing shivers to be sent down his spine.

" Your majesty, must we be so close? I'm sure you can hear me from down there as well."

Varrick pointed out as he avoided the king's gaze.

" But I rather hear you like this, within my arms."

The King whispers to Varrick's lips as his arm wraps around the man's waist pulling Varrick to sit on his lap and rest his head against the King's beating heart. His arms wrap around Varrick holding him close as he rests his chin on Varrick's shoulder.

" Tell me the good news."

The King purred as he nuzzled against Varrick's neck.

" The Duke that opposed you, along with his close family were killed, their lands burned to the ground, just as you requested. Your Queen, daughters, and even royals are starting to suspect that the Villain Dark Var is doing your bidding. I suggest setting me free and ending this charade. "

Varrick suggests as his fingertips held onto the King's sleeve in a gentle way, not wanting the older man to notice.

" And lose my best assassin? Lost my lovely Dark Var? Truly you must be joking."

The King chuckled as he noticed Varrick holding his sleeve and moves to hold his hand.

" This kingdom does not deserve your kind and loving side. This kingdom deserves your wrath, show them your true glorious self, show them what it means to be ruled by fear. Maybe then they would appreciate you more instead of slithering around like snakes behind your back. Plotting your doom."

Varrick inform with a snarl as the King entwined his fingers with Varrick's.

" There will always be snakes within the palace walls but as long as you let them think they are winning. They will make mistakes and come out into the light. That's the best moment to strike. A king that rules by fear will never rule long but a King that rules with kindness, generosity, and wisdom, shall become a legend remaining after centuries. I know you hate all royals and the upper class.

I may have caught you, fairy, but it's not I who ripped out your wings for gold, craving out your secondary magical heart, draining every bit of magic from your veins, turning you into a human, it's not I who started this madness. You deserve revenge and revenge you shall have. Kill every royal who done your people wrong even if it's me."

The King tenderly whispered to Varrick as his hand gently holds Varrick's hand, brought it up to his lips, and kisses it.

" The world we know of, is slowly coming to an end. Why not do as you please before it is all taken away?"

Varrick asked as he watches the King closes his eyes and holds Varrick's hand against his cheek.

" Because with you, aren't I already doing all I want?"

The King questioned with a chuckle as he turns to look at Varrick with a smile. Varrick could only blush as he turns away from the King.

" In this life or the next, my only desire is to be by your side, no matter the cost. My old friend."

Varrick softly admits as he nuzzled against the King's chest. Within his beating heart, he wished for more than that. He wished for the King not to see him as a young child lacking care, he wished the King's love for him wasn't a parent to a child. He wished the king saw him as an equal and more than a friend. But he knew that would never change, even though it wasn't enough for him, he was more than happy to stay by the King's side as nothing more than a shadow. A shadow in the night that supported his King in any way he could.
