V5 Chapter 133 Not Yours

Amon crumbles to his knees, sobbing. His words stopped Philomel for a moment but as soon as that moment was over, she left. Darzirak's tail wagged furiously, with a huge grin where the corner of his lip touches his ears as he kept glancing between Philomel and Amon. Ready to absorb the envy and grow into a much bigger size. Philomel was out of sight leaving Amon hugging his knees as he buried his face into his arms like a ball. Darzirak seeing his opportunity, quickly changed his form into a snake and started slithering toward Amon. Unfortunately for Darzirak Amon wasn't alone, unlike this morning.

" Uhwah!"

Little One yelled as he grabbed onto Darzirak's tail and pulled hard.

" Hey! No! Bad Baby. Don't pull."

Darzirak scolded as he tries to shake Little One off his tail.

" Uhwah! Ai!"

Little One yelled at Darzirak. Darzirak glared at Little One but as soon as his eyes met those swirling ocean-blue eyes. Darzirak couldn't help but compare such eyes to the open horizon of the ocean on a sunny beautiful day. It was the exact same gaze that Darzirak remembered well. The gaze that yearned to set something free.

" Free..."

Darzirak softly muttered to himself as he recalled the last time he was free. Something that felt like a dream but it isn't a dream and Amon was the proof of it. The moment Darzirak muttered that his memory stone glowed a dark red within him as magic sparks through it. Looking for something that matches what Darzirak was trying to remember.

" Darvirak."

A shiver suddenly ran down Darzirak's spine as an extremely familiar voice called out from Darzirak's memory stone. Saying the name of the memory as the option to re-watch the memory comes out.

" I... Don't have to... I am free... if I believe it to be..."

Darzirak remembered without the help of his magic stone as he turned back to his dog form.

" Fine, baby. I'll do what you like for once."

Darzirak huffed as he pushed Little One off him. Little One stared at Darzirak in confusion, wondering why he wasn't squirming and was rather calm. Did Darzirak not want to play with him? Little One pouted at the realization but decided that rolling around in the soft grass was a good alternative.

" Hey... What's wrong with you now?"

Darzirak awkwardly ask with slight annoyance in his voice as he sat down next to Amon.

" Leave me alone, Darzirak."

Amon grumbled as he ignored the demon.

" That was just me being courteous. I can see your memories perfectly fine."

Darzirak informed nicely but Amon continued to ignore the demon.

" Fine, hard way it is."

Darzirak softly muttered to himself, determined to solve this one way or another. Darzirak pounces on Amon, forcing Amon to fall onto his back and look up at Darzirak.

" You belong to me!"

Darzirak yelled as his paw stepped on Amon's throat causing Amon to choke a bit. Amon's eyes widen in shock as he stared up at Darzirak, tears stung his eyes for a whole different reason. His hands grab Darzirak's paw trying to stop him from stepping harder.

Darzirak smirked down at Amon, the demon's eyes like a burning flame as he changed into Amon's shadow, a form of a much flatter Amon that grinned from ear to ear that sat down on Amon's belly with his legs keeping the real Amon in place.

" Dar * Choking* zirak What..."

Amon struggled to breathe as he did his best to fight back his own shadow. Darzirak leans forward just inches away from Amon's lips as he pressed his nether regions against Amon's stomach.

" I deserve you. I have been by your side since birth. I sacrifice myself for you."

Darzirak whispered to Amon's lips as his red ruby eyes watches Amon's expression turn into terror and fear. Darzirak's cold breath against Amon's lips sent shivers down his spine as he struggled to break free and breathe.

" You're the only reason I'm here. Yet you dare to look at another. What a naughty pet you are."

Darzirak's hand ran through Amon's hair as he tilted his face, leaving a kiss on Amon's cheek. At that moment Darzirak loosen his grip and as soon as he did, Amon tore Darzirak's hand from his neck. Amon took in a deep breath as he grabs Darzirak's neck and punched the Demon in the face as hard as he could sending the demon flying off him and landing a short distance away on the grass.


Amon screamed at Darzirak with grand gestures as soon as he was back on his feet. Darzirak's body shrink back down to his dog form, sniffed angrily as he held his cheek, watching Amon's outburst with a grumpy expression.

" And which part of anything says Philomel belongs to you?"

Darzirak questioned as he slowly sat up.

" That's! That's totally different."

" Oh? Really? I risked my life many times to save you, I have been supportive, understanding, and caring too. I'm literally your best friend. Where's my reward?"

Darzirak demanded with an open paw that pressed Amon to give him something.

" Philomel doesn't even have a blood contract between the two of you. All she did was ask for your help and you agreed to help. You could have cut off and left her whenever but you choose not to. She didn't force you to help her, she didn't force you to stay. The mission is hers to bear. Yes, she is grateful for your help and will reward you in her own way, a romantic relationship wasn't set in stone. So how can you demand the reward of her future when you deny me the same? If you truly believe that, risking your life and being emotional support for a certain amount of time.

Then reward me, if you do then asking her for the same isn't a problem. But in reality, you don't truly believe that. You're playing favorites, cause you're in love with Philomel and you're so jealous to the point where you don't even care that shoving your feelings on her on a lame excuse, forcing her to accept you, is wrong. You don't care about that at all. Fearing that you'll lose her to Lenny but by doing so you truly have lost her. "

Darzirak accused Amon with a pointing paw. Amon was about to tell the demon off but then he realised something.

" If I'm jealous then why aren't you growing? Is this one of your lame-ass evil plans to piss me off and get me jealous?! This is isn't it!"

Amon accused back.

" Hump! Last time I'm helping you. This is why I never bother. Help you so much and what do I get? Get seen as a creepy uncle that you suffer to stand, that's what. Don't even get to do what I wanna do and on top of that get punched. Makes me wonder why I even bothered coming back. At least Joey treats me like a person."

Darzirak grumbled as he turned his back on Amon and started walking away. Unfortunately for Darzirak, his nose was too high in the air to notice a predator stalking him until it was too late.

" Ai bah!"

Little One let out his little roar as he pounced on Darzirak just like Darzirak when he pounced on Amon earlier.

" AH! Not you! Get off! Get Off! OFF! OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!"

Darzirak exclaimed as he struggled against Little One's hands that kept grabbing and pulling on all parts of his body.

" Uwaaah! *Giggling*"

Little One giggled as he bully his little prey. A prey that swore revenge by gently pushing his predator away which didn't go unnoticed but the predator misunderstood it as part of playing.
