V5 Chapter Fate Recorder's Quest 3/3 (Deleted Scene)

[ "Standing there with the biggest eyes watching with much confusion when that gemstone hatched like an egg and cloud came out of it."

Mirauleo recalled through shallow breaths as he did his best to hold back his laugh long enough to recall that prank we pulled on Morpheus. As soon as I heard it I roared into laughter.

" That gemstone on dope!"

I imitated Morpheus's reaction, words, and gestures causing Mirauleo to tremble as fits of laughter unevenly choked out from him while he desperately tries to breathe. I could help but snicker as I patted his back trying to help him breathe. Mirauleo sat there on his desk his whole front body spread out over his desk as his fits of chuckling slowed down and he started taking in deep breaths. I sat there next to him, my elbow on his desk, supporting my head as I watched him calm down for a moment. Mirauleo finally caught his breath as he turned to look at me, with his head still on the table.

" What's with that weirdo face?"

He questioned as he poked my cheek.

" Don't tell me you are thinking of leaving already."

He instantly sat up and stared at me with those worried eyes as he poked my cheek harder.

" *Scoffs* And not eat all your food or kick you in your sleep?"

I questioned with a smile.

" True, that does sound sus ( sus=suspicious) if you didn't after coming. So you are staying for the night, right?"

He questioned as he pulled back his finger just to poke my cheek again.

" Yes, yes. I am. I have fate recorder duty tomorrow, so I'll have to leave for the heavens before dawn."

I answered and informed him as I pulled his cheek. A little annoyed at him for poking my cheek.

" Then what's with this sus face? Are you scheming something? If it's a prank you better do it well and you better not cry when I do the worst prank on you."

He poke my face harder which made me have to lead back to avoid it being very painful.

" It's not a prank, I'm just wondering when you have become such a nerdy efficient raccoon. Coming up with such a fancy system like that. Is that your new hobby? Being a fancy nerd?"

I answered as I pulled his cheek harder. Mirauleo smirked as he stops poking me and lay his hand under his chin so that he could prompt his head up. As soon as he stopped poking my cheek, I stopped pulling his cheek.

" Of course not. I would never be that stuck up and boring. It's a one-time effort to keep that goddess from stepping all over me. The best hobby is talking to all the fairies here, anyway. They are always up to something, with another new drama for me to settle. It's fun getting to know everyone working for me. That's something I will never give up doing for anything, no matter how much time passes. What about you? Still, being a manager sus and spying on people on behalf of some god? Are you still doing that as a hobby? You pervert."

Mirauleo flipped the question back on me, with a teasing annoying smile.

" You're the manager, Sus, spending all your time in this realm. At least my hobby is helpful to the gods and extremely entertaining. The best part, I get to see all the creative things Morpheus dreams up and put into the dreams of humans to create. You should seriously check it out sometime. He managed to get the elves and the humans to work together and build a kingdom that shimmers white and towers over everything within that area. "

I described with some gestures.

" Oh? Sounds beautiful but I rather prefer his previous works. His dreams of steel shook humanity to its core that within just a few years, almost every warrior, every royal, anyone who was a someone and even some who was a no one owned a steel blade."

He excitedly shared.

" I know you told me before. It was very good timing too since it was close to the God War and it protected many beings against the demon kind."

I rolled my eyes.

" Yes, but that isn't the best part of the tale. Morpheus had a human gift to one of his fairies a steel sword and with my magic, he turned that sword into a fairy. "

Mirauleo stressed his words for dramatic effect.

" No way!"

I exclaimed.

" Way! "

He confirmed with a nod and a pointing finger.

" I heard the story from Mariana who heard it from Morpheus's old right-hand fairy Naja. You remember Naja, right?"

He questioned and I quickly nodded wanting him to continue the story.

" She was so furious at Morpheus for doing that. Unfortunately, that fairy had no soul, it was a blank body. Seems that he used up all the magic I gave to him trying to bring that fairy to life but all that did was move the lifeless fairy body around. Because of that, that season no new fairy came into existence and all fairies had to work twice as hard to last until the next season, until the next batch of magic I'll give. Silly Morpheus, he should have told me and I would have given him more magic."

Mirauleo shook his head, disapprovingly.

" What of the steel fairy? What became of it?"

I could help but questioned, extremely curious about what became of such an unusual fairy.

" Morpheus dreamed up a soul for it and send it up to the mortal world to live with the other nature spirits and fairies. "

Mirauleo answered with a waving hand.

" So it's still there? Protecting nature with the other nature fairies?"

I pressed.

" Probably not, I heard from Avery that there was a raid and to protect all creatures. That steel fairy fought all the humans, pushing them back, buying enough time for the rest of them to run away. Most likely the humans overpowered him with their numbers and caught that steal fairy. "

Mirauleo casually says before taking a sip from his cup.

" Oooh... captive fairy under humans near the age of the God War... Either forced to fight their battles like a dog on a leash until death or drained of all magic and die from that. After all no fairy can survive without a drop of magic in their veins. "

I sighed, feeling much pity for such an interesting dream to end in such a sad way.

" There have been rumors though. That Helder visited that steel fairy as he took his last breath. Promising such sweet things if he joined Exinious's army as a demon. Promising miracles and all he had to do was fight in the God War for Exinious. Ha! I bet as soon as Morpheus heard that! He would instantly end that dream! Why would he give such a powerful being to Helder? Why would he agree to fight Exinious's war? Especially when we, World Guardians had already agreed not to take any of God's side and to stay neutral. Morpheus isn't the kind of Guardian that goes back on our brotherly word. Nothing comes between the World Wide Watch of Mirauleo, Morpheus, and Metztli!"

Mirauleo proclaimed with much energy as he made an ' M' with his fingers and held it against a mirror. Through the mirror's reflection, the M became a W. Insinuating that we were the reflection of the world and nothing happens without us knowing.

[Quest Completed: Dreamer or the Dream Task: Talk to Dustman, Mirauleo, find clues about Sandman, Morpheus.]

I could help but wonder, what made Morpheus go against our brotherly oath. But then again, it's now plainly obvious that he chose to allow his ultimate dream to be used by Helder and Exinious. Even though, he broke our brotherly oath, he must have done it for a very good reason and that reason was plainly clear.

He did it for love, the love he had for his creation, and wanted his creation to be happy. There's no way he could allow such a wonderful creation, the ultimate dream to end in such a tragic way. That was something I didn't want to take away from my brother. I'm sure that Morpheus never help any god in any significant way during the God War. Even though it looks bad. I know, my brother wouldn't have done such a thing. I trust him even though he is more annoying than Mirauleo... and more troublesome... Second thoughts... should I just end this all and tell Mirauleo what Morpheus did? No, it's more entertaining for Mirauleo to find out himself and overreact. I should just sit back and enjoy the show.

I softly chuckled under my breath, which made Mirauleo poke my ribs and question why I was being so sus which led to another brainless retardation of an argument. Yet I find myself not wanting it, any other way.
