V5 Chapter 140 Somewhat dry catacombs

Cracking warm flames, casting shadows on the walls. Long shadows that sigh with many worries.

" Looks like we're are on the verge of running out of food. All we have left is just stew in a milk bottle, 3 apples, and a few nuts and berries. We're lucky the next village is just another few hour's walk away. Hopefully, they have food there and not a terrible disease. "

Philomel hoped as she gave Amon an apple. Amon silently took the apple from her and instantly his stomach growled, completely unsatisfied with 3 apples a day after such a long walk.

" If worst comes to worst, I'm sure that we can always get Darzirak to shadow teleport somewhere and get us some food."

Amon suggested as he took a bit of the apple. Darzirak's long ears perked up before turning slightly and shooting a very nasty stink eye at Amon.

" You sure? Darzirak doesn't look very willing, right now."

Philomel leans over to whisper into Amon's ear. Amon turn to look at Darzirak who was still sulking in the corner and noticed the demon's glare at him.

" He's probably annoyed that we called him out for all the bad stuff he did and blame him for it. "

Amon whispered back as he pats Little One's head. Little One sat in Amon's lap, holding up the milk bottle as he drank down his dinner, tiling it in a certain way so that he wouldn't choke from an overwhelming amount.

" But... he did do the thing we accused him of doing. Shouldn't he be proud or something like that?"

Philomel whisper back to Amon as she wondered out loud.

" He's always been a huffy, hard-to-understand demon. No worries, he's probably just cranky from being outside too long. He'll probably calm down after relaxing in his apartment or new house. "

Amon reassured as he ate finished his dinner and stretch out his right hand.

" Darzirak, isn't it uncomfortable and cold over there? Wanna come home and rest?"

Amon questioned as he opened his palm wide, ready for Darzirak.

Darzirak just pulled a longer face with a bigger pout before turning away from Amon, curling up to face the cave wall, and laying down.

" Guess he's really grumpy. Plan on using tenancy agreement curfew to force him back in?"

Philomel softly suggested being extremely careful not to let Darzirak overhear.

" No, that would just piss him off some more. Just pretend not to see or notice him sneaking out to return to his house at Joey. When he comes back pretend that you never noticed that he left. Give him what he wants and let him show his anger. At least then, he can rest and relax, while being extremely pleased with himself that he made us worry about him. When he comes back, show your worry about him sleeping on the ground. His grumpiness should go down then. He wants to be reminded that we actually care and want him here. That he isn't a major annoying thing that we want badly to be rid of."

Amon softly whispered back to Philomel. Knowing exactly what to do thanks to his grandfather's advice.

" But isn't he though? What good has he ever done for us without complaining or asking for payment? He never helps out unless you tell him it's in the form of rent payment and on top of that he is more trouble than he is worth. Remember what happened that night with the shadow creatures? And with the dragon? And almost killing you? And at the village, the whole taking Joey?"

Philomel reminded.

" What are you trying to say? That we don't need him? That I should break the contract between us and have an exorcist expel him out of my body?"

Amon questioned with a disapproving expression.

" Maybe? His cons do out weight his pros."

Philomel whispered back with a shrug.

" Philomel you don't have an inner demon, so you probably don't know this. But all demons are more or less the same. Darzirak is quite powerful and has been in my family for centuries. Darzirak isn't a demon for me. He is family and the only family I have left. He may be annoying and more trouble than he is worth but time in need, he is there for me. He has saved me many times without me even having to ask of him."

Amon reminded with a little anger in his tone.

" He only saved you because he wants your body and only your body. That's the only reason he is with you, that's the only reason he is your inner demon. Don't romanticize the situation."

Philomel rebutted back.

" All demons want something that's the only reason why they would form a contract. Darzirak is doing what all demons do. The bare minimum in any situation and asking for reasonable pay. Darzirak isn't our friend. He is a worker. Even so, he does more than he should. He tells me stories of my ancestors, my family. He reminds me of all the advice my family passed down. He teaches me things and helps me with my training. No matter how troublesome or annoying he is. He is my family and my best friend. I don't care why he is with me. I don't care what he is after for being with me. I don't want to lose him. No matter what."

Amon admits with a firm gaze, his eyes swirl with such determination and love that his eyes were such a brilliant red.

'As red as the apple in my hand.'

Philomel thought to herself as she couldn't help but compare. She then noticed something walking a distance away, on wobbly feet.

" Uhhh... Among."

Philomel called out as she pointed behind Amon. Amon instantly turned to look and saw Little One slowly walking up to Darzirak. In disbelief, Amon glanced down at his lap just to see an empty milk bottle and glance back at Little One. Confirming that it truly was Little One walking that many steps to Darzirak.

" Abuuuuuing."

Little One squeals as he leaps onto Darzirak. Philomel instantly got up, running toward them. Fearing that Darzirak would push Little One and Little One would fall on the hard ground. To her utmost surprise, Darzirak let Little One lay down on him and pull his ears even though he had the nastiest of sink eyes and the biggest frown. Even though Darzirak was the grumpiest of all demons, he allowed Little One to do as the baby pleased, being extremely used to it. Philomel seeing this faltered in her footsteps, confused as to why Darzirak didn't do anything to Little One even though the demon was obviously extremely pissed. Amon joined Philomel's side and wondered why she stopped before walking up and carrying Little One off Darzirak.

" Aingboo!!!"

Little One squealed as he reached out at Darzirak trying to grab something more of the demon to pull.

" No, Little One. That's not how you play with Darzirak. Pat Pat Pat. "

Amon inform as he pat Darzirak on the head and he demonstrated to Little One. Little One watching Amon for a while. Soon reached toward Darzirak, patting the demon on the back. Darzirak's eyes widen in disbelief as he watched Little One pat him.

" If you could have taught him that, the whole time, then why didn't you?!"

Darzirak questioned in shock. Amon hummed the words " I don't know" with a shrug.

" I guess, didn't think of it, until now."

Amon awkwardly stated as he avoided eye contact with Darzirak. Hoping that Darzirak never finds out, Amon felt extremely happy watching Little One play with Darzirak like that. Since it always reminded Amon that Darzirak isn't like other demons and that Darzirak was all heart, even though, he was on the outside looking in.

Darzirak narrowed his eyes at Amon, already knowing what Amon thought of him since he could see all of Amon's memories, anytime he wanted when he was in his apartment. Even so, Darzirak couldn't help but feel lonely. He had always felt a little lonely whenever he remembered that he couldn't find Zord.

" Still pretty amazing that Little One walked that far all by himself. That was like 15 my steps and he has little feet."

Philomel chimed with a grin.

" You think it's a one-time thing?"

Amon wondered out loud.

" Let's test it out and see then. Baby, look it's Mel. Look at Mel. Look at Mel."

Darzirak suggested before nudging Little One to turn and look at Philomel.

" Come little One! Come to Mel! Come to Mel!"

Philomel knelt with wide open arms and gestured for Little One to come.

" Ai?"

Little One turned to look at Philomel and when he did, Darzirak stretched out into a mat under Little One. Ready to protect Little One if he ever fell. Little One seeing Philomel calling out to him, squealed as he walk up to her with wobbly feet.

Many roaring cheers echo throughout those catacombs that night. As they found out it wasn't a one-time thing but only lasted until Little One felt tired.
