V5 Chapter 149 Distance Forming

" You don't have to escort me, you know that right? I'll be just fine."

Philomel reassured as Amon held the saloon door for her.

" Just... At least allow me to do this much. It isn't that far to the village entrance."

Amon pointed out as he readjusted a curious Little One in his arms. The village was still surrounded by mist but haven't reached extremely thick just yet. They still could see some of the signboards as they stroll through the streets. Philomel's eyes noticed a signboard indicating a loom and mentally took note of it.

" What's your plan on helping Little One make friends?"

Philomel feeling a little awkward at the silent and quickly asked to make conversation. Amon who was enjoying the silence was taken back for a moment before catching his bearings.

" Uhh... wander around and play with any children that I see are a good age?"

He guessed as he wondered if that was a good enough strategy against kids since he knew he shouldn't underestimate them.

" Hopefully Little One takes a liking to some of the kids. That should make things all the more easy since it isn't finding kids that is the issue but making them a friend."

She said with a sigh, recalling how hard it was for her to make friends when she was younger. Since most of the girls prefered to ask her about clothing rather than anything she was interested in talking. Her father being the only tailor in the catacombs created a wall of envy between her and others for she always stood out with a pretty dress. On top of that most parents don't find the need to waste whatever supplies they could trade on clothes. Most close to her age at the time had only three pairs of practical clothing while Philomel had much more. Whenever her father had inspiration he would always make something for Philomel since clothing a child takes up less materials and there wasn't much business for a tailor other than mending.

Amon could easily pick up what she was feeling but didn't really understand her struggle with making friends. Since he made friends with ease since he spent much time with the orphans and was somewhat popular before receiving his status of no rank, thanks to Darzirak. Darzirak once was a famous demon which everyone called the Boogeyman which made every youngster approach him once out of curiousity. Even if Darzirak eventually lost his Boogeyman fame/title to another upstanding demon. It still didn't change the fact that such a title and honour existed because of him. He was the first and only dream demon in existence which made it extremely shocking that he was able to lose such a title.

Many assume that it is because normal demons have now risen in power and tactics that they now leave some humans alive to spread the gruesome tale of them to gain fame. A tale so gruesome that haunted them even in their dreams. When in reality Darzirak lost the will to do anything after Zord was reincarnated. When Darzirak realised that Zord was reincarnated into the world he dreams in. He turned all his efforts into finding Zord which he did 3 times before Zord was reincarnated into different worlds and Darzirak didn't have a way to find him/ reach him. Only then did the demon stick with the Drømmeri family.

As they approach the village welcome signboard, they could see Darzirak scratching himself with his back leg like a dog as he watched the pathway into the village. It was only at a certain angle of scratching which made the demon lean back, only then did he noticed the team. For a moment Darzirak's calmed expression turned into shock before leaping to his feet and starting down the path he was watching before turning back to them. Obvious that he was trying to figure out how they pass him without him noticing.

" What cruel living beings you are! You two left me!! In the cold!! While you cozy yourselves within an inn bed! How dare! How dare! "

Darzirak barked angrily. Amon opened his mouth about to scold back but before he could.

" We should be asking you the same! When we were going off track, you left us! We fell off a cliff thanks to so much mist! We are the ones who are supposed to be demanding ' How dare'! "

Philomel spat out with a hump. Darzirak stared at Philomel for a moment before sitting back down.

" Fair enough. You guys did come back for me. Let's just call it even then."

Darzirak shrugged.

" How's Joey?"

Amon seeing that the matter had been settled decided to ask.

" He's doing extremely well, since he is unable to be with his shadow girlfriend until witching hour under a full moon. On top of that he needs my powers to meet her and having to sign over his body as my house. To which has terms and conditions, one stating his body must be in peak condition or else I won't materialise his girlfriend. His envy of normal couples has grown his powers to a much satisfactory level. I'm actually really happy with this house. It has a pool! A freaking pool!! You have zero idea how hard it is to be able to soak in heated water whenever you want. Man! It's feels like a luxury castle compared to that 2 room apartment I have with you."

Darzirak excitedly answered as his tail wagged furiously.

" Ah... No that good then... since you're this happy."

Philomel concluded since Darzirak was after all a demon and a demon begin this happy with something could only mean torment for another.

" Hey! He is doing just fine! I'm not that bad of a demon, you will know if you taken the time to get to know me."

Darzirak scoffed as he turned away from Philomel.

" Didn't you said the other day that you left him in hell?"

Amon pointed out. Darzirak was flabbergasted for a moment.

" Yes... but that was part of training. Training I would have done with you, just like I had done to your grandfather and ancestors but unfortunately I owed your grandfather and your grandfather decided this was the only way to repay him. This is why our bond is so weak. I been coddling you since I signed our tenancy agreement and you have taken me for granted. "

Darzirak shook his head with a heavy sigh which really made Amon question himself.

" So, what do you two want this time? That's the only reason why you even came back for me, right? "

Darzirak questioned with a disappointed look. Amon wanted to deny it or at least convince Darzirak with a good reason of why they would do such a thing but before he could.

" I need your help to find the way back to the catacombs. We're planning to set up an ambush for team Holy elves and kidnap the Messiah. You don't have to stay and help with the traps just escorting me to and back. You can hangout in your luxury castle Joey all you want in between. "

Philomel answered with much attitude as she crossed her arms. Amon stared at her in shock, fearing that if this continues Darzirak would choose to stay with Joey and the distance between would continue to grow. Even if Amon still has a tenancy agreement between them it didn't state that Darzirak must stay with him. Years could go by without ever seeing Darzirak who Amon considers the last of his family.

Little One instantly felt and understood Amon's fear for it was a fear he knew all too well. It triggered Little One to hide his face in Amon's shirt and held on tightly, fearing that they would leave him behind again.

" *Sighs* And again, all work but no reward. Let's just get this over shall we?"

Darzirak rolled his eyes before sinking into the ground and stretching out into a thin black line on the ground, showing the way back to the catacombs.

" Wait... "

Amon finally said with a faltering voice. A voice that didn't reach Darzirak.

" Hmm? What's wrong?"

Philomel questioned as she lean closer and studied Amon's distraught expression.

" Tell him there will be a reward. I'll let him eat my dreams for a day."

Amon quickly informed her as he grasp her forearm in a desperate way.

" What's up with you? Darzirak didn't even ask for a reward."

Philomel with her free hand held Amon's shoulder, thinking that he almost tripped and decided to steady him.

" Please just tell him. I know you don't understand why but just do this ... for me?"

Amon begged knowing that Philomel wouldn't understand and would think it's a toxic relationship even if he tried to explain. Philomel hesitated for a moment but seeing the desperation in Amon's eyes.

" Very well. If that is what you wish. I'll let him know and you can even remind him when we return at dusk."

Philomel nodded with a smile, trying to reassure Amon.

" Thank you."

Amon gave a small smile before letting go of Philomel's arm. Philomel patted him twice on the shoulder before letting him go and slowly following Darzirak. Many times did Philomel turned to check on Amon along the way and Amon just stood there with the same small smile as he watched her go.
