V5 Chapter 153 Trapping Philomel

Drip Drip Drip

Sounds of water and wind constantly hounding the catacombs. The air feeling so much cooler on the inside than the outside. Philomel couldn't help be kept shivering against the cold as she knelt down next to one of her traps, trying to set it up. Her sneeze broke the natural orchestra of symphony.

" Bless you. "

A shadow whispered as it loomed around Philomel, pulling out from the shadows, joining her side. Philomel instantly scoffed as she sniffed and wipe her nose on her sleeve.

" Ironic coming from you."

" What? Why?"

Darzirak tilted his head, utterly confused.

" Wa - Why?! Your a demon the creation of Helder Lord of the underworld, God of Madness! Your blessing is considered a curse since you are a follower of him. How can you even ask that? "

Philomel stood up and stomp her foot at Darzirak. Angry that she had to point out such an obvious thing.

" Yeah but ... You're a dark elf. Your goddess doesn't even hear your prayers. So why is me saying bless you a curse? "

Darzirak scratched his head with his back leg.

" Because! I'm not a follower of the Goddess Luna. I'm the follower of the Gods of causality."

Philomel informed with a wave of her hand as she checked her trap.

" Ah! Hikaru and Kaen. One a Demigod and the other an angel. So I have only offended half of your beliefs since Kaen is an angel of Helder while Hikaru is the son of the goddess of beauty, Misaki and the Angel of Givendale, Rhane better known as cupid. Ah... Like mother, like son... both falling for an angel."

Darzirak recalled out loud.

" Rhane isn't just any angel, he was so powerful people used to worship him as the God of Love before they found out he was an angel under Givendale, God of peace. "

Philomel snapped as she covered her trap with mud hiding it from sight.

" Does it matter? Givendale been missing since he became the one true God after the God wars. I doubt he would be offended calling his angel an angel... since Rhane is in fact an angel... Wait why does this matter again? "

" Look! It isn't right to disregard the father of my gods as a mere lowly angel after all he had gone through! It's very disrespectful!"

Philomel said with a hump as she turned away from Darzirak and went down a tunnel in the catacombs.

" Didn't Rhane caused the God Wars by falling in love with Misaki and bringing her down to earth? "

Darzirak questioned as he chased after her.

" Yes..."

Philomel frowned.

" And didn't Hikaru cause the Dragon Wars rise up against his grandfather Lexi and made Lexi a fallen God to change his fated one to Kaen?"

Darzirak pressed with a grin.

" .... *sigh*... Yes..."

Philomel bitterly replied as she picked up her materials and started making another trap.

" So... In what way am I being disrespectful? Rhane is lucky that his status as an angel didn't plunder further by the actions he and his son took to be with their .... beloved ones."

Darzirak questioned with a mocking tone as he cornered Philomel with his questions.

" In !! * Frustrated growl* In whatever way! Look I don't like you and I rather not receive any of your blessings since it is in fact a curse to me!"

Philomel finally admitted as she threateningly pointed at him with the stick in her hand.

" Now! Don't you have any where else to be?? Like with Joey! Or some other place that isn't here?"

She huffed, turning away from him and focusing back on her work. Darzirak stood there frozen for a moment, wondering why Philomel was so angry at him.

" I just came back from checking on Joey... It's already sun set... I'm here to lead to back to the village like you told me to... "

He informed as he approached Philomel, leaning over trying to get a look at her face and read her expression. Philomel looked quite frustrated but at the same time defeated as she stayed silent and continued making her traps.

" Is this because Amon wanted to pay me even though I said I would help you for free?"

Darzirak probed as he circle around her materials and sat down across from her. Philomel silently shook her head and avoided Darzirak's eyes. Darzirak squinted his eyes at her before sniffing, the breeze easily carried Philomel's scent to him. A scent he knew all too well.

" Ah! Envious are we? Looks like someone is very straightforward with her feelings and charms."

Darzirak teased with a grin being extremely grateful for such an interesting entertainment.

" Am not! Aella is nothing compared to me! I just don't like her. "

Philomel crossed her arms with a huff. Darzirak's tail started wagging.

" Aella... What a beautiful name for a confident beautiful woman. What exactly did she do to deserve such dislike from you? From just the name, I can already picture the perfect angel to proclaim my love for. "

Darzirak teased through a huge grin.

" Perfect?! Angel!!! You don't even know her! She's just a barmaid! She doesn't even possess an ounce of skill that I have! All she has going for her are her looks and... charm..."

She looked down at her chest before quickly uncrossing her arms and blushing.

" And that much charm? Let me guess, she has been using... said charms to enchant Amon. Man what a lucky guy he is! To receive the attention of an angel. But then again why would you care who she uses her charms on? You don't even like Amon that way. He's nothing more than a friend to you anyway. Poor fellow had his heart broken and still hid it all away to maintain a friendship with you. It's good that he has finally found someone who wants to be with him in that way especially with such hard times. Aren't you happy for your best friend, finally finding the love of his life? "

Darzirak prompted wondering if Philomel was finally showing her true colour and was jealous of this barmaid since Amon was favouring her.

" Of course, I am happy! I support his love life a million percent! It's just that Aella is definitely not the right person for him! She's human and she's half a country away from home! He should at least pick a girl who knows how to protect him!"

Philomel ranted on and on with much energy and passion on points that seemed relevant but it just instantly bore Darzirak.

" How quaint... such strong envy. What a pity I don't have a contract with her and can't harvest such beautiful fruits of power. Her words keeps pointing me towards jealous yet my nose is never wrong, that is definitely envy... but what is she envious about? Meh, she would probably deny me even if I asked."

Darzirak sadly sighed to himself as he stood up.

" Come on, Philomel. I'll lead you back. I have other things to do and I'm sure you do too. "

Darzirak interrupted her rant as he walked away. Philomel snapped back to reality, quickly standing up to her feet and rushing after him.

" Hey! Weren't you even listening to what I was saying! This is something important here! Don't you care about the huge mistake your apartment is about to make?"

Philomel questioned as she blocked Darzirak's path.

" What's the big problem? He can just use me to shadow teleport to and fro. She being human doesn't have any issues with them creating a family and if he truely loves her then what's more is there to it? It's a win- win on all sides with no big issue. "

Darzirak pointed out as he walked around her.

" Oh! I mean no big issue for my part but I doubt I could say the same for you. Isn't Amon like your only best friend? I mean I know you're popular and all that back at home but how many of your friends screamed your name back then? Back when you were chosen for this mission? How many followed you out of the catacombs? Wanting to help in secret? How many were willing to go against tradition for you in your time of need? "

Darzirak questioned silently wondering why he was doing so. Why he was once again trying to sell Amon's good point to Philomel. Philomel fell silent as she realised the implications if Amon were to choose Aella. Implications that revolved around Philomel probably seeing her best friend less and less. Implications that would change their relationship putting so much distance between them to the point she could hardly call themselves friends.

" Somethings just never change... even after centuries... I'm still a sucker for those ruby eyes."

Darzirak softly sighed out. Philomel found herself nodded to that remark for a moment before she realised what she was agreeing to.

" What?"

Philomel demanded.

" Nothing. I was just... It's nothing... Anyway what you plan to do after reaching the village? Stop Aella from spending time with Amon? "

Darzirak quickly asked trying to instigate her and redirect the conversation.

" No. I'm not that petty. If Amon wishes to spend time with her then I won't get in the way. He deserves his happiness even if it leads to our eventual ... growth apart. As his best friend that is the best I can do to support him. Tomorrow we plan on celebrating Little One's first birthday therefore I have decided to spin some thread and weave something for him. He can't go around wearing Amon's shirt, forever. I'll take over babysitter throughout the night and since finding a loom here would mean I'll be spending the night outside our room. It will give Amon all the opportunity he needs. "

Philomel informed as she stretches.

" That's... Wa? "

Darzirak trails off for a moment as he tries to figure out why Philomel would be doing such a thing. Why was she envious of Aella if Amon had nothing to do with it?

" Oh! There's the village! Come on! I'm starving!"

Philomel chimed as she waved Darzirak to hurry up before dashing ahead. Darzirak stood there observing her before realising that he had completed misread the situation.

Philomel truely saw Amon as nothing more than a friend. Which made Darzirak questioned if this was because she already had a romantic interest with Lenny.

" Oh boy... I hope you already moved on from Philomel or you're fighting a losing battle, buddy. "

Darzirak huffed as he shook his head, pitying Amon for a moment.

"But then again in one way or another, aren't we all?"

Darzirak questioned himself as he reminded himself life was just a losing battle that all struggles for.
