The Gift

It's been 3 weeks since we left the capital and we arrived at the coastal town Ronin. We are searching for a ship that can take us to the island city of Jola but it seems no ship is willing to sail to such a cursed land.

Sitting in an inn with my knight captain Hughes I started asking him details

"So we weren't able to get a ship that is willing to sail to Jola , your highness I sent some knights search for any old ships so we can buy it and sail by ourselves "

"Well it's the only option we have right so .."

"Yes your highness I will leave take my leave now I think the junior knight got something "

With that he left with the junior knight who was standing at the door.

Silence ~~

For a brief moment there was nothing but silence, it's been 3 weeks since I got reincarnated into this world and I have been trying to digest what is happening and what has happened. I am supposed to be entertainment for the so-called 'God' yet he didn't even give me a good starting point damn this is so bad. I don't even have a ride to get to my city hah..

"hey are you there?"

{Of course I am here Darling what can i do for you~~}

"will you stop being so.. leave it , show me how many people are living in Jola and what resources can i use there"

{Sure thing }

This is Aria, a kind of aissentent that the god had assigned to me. She is like the internet who can show me all kinds of information i need, even the information from earth, not only that she can also play youtube videos, movies and everything i can think of that i can do on the internet. According to her she is my lover or something because she is programed to care about me and all so she is practically my wife but in my head ah … what the hell can't the god just make a emotionless system or something why would i want a girl ranting in my head all the time!!??

{well because if he made emotionless internet for you use the i can't manifest into the world in future to help you darling~~}


{Yeah unlike you my soul has been created so I can't just get transferred into someone so it will take upto a year for me to make a body for me to meet you darling..}

Ah I see well i won't mind having to around if that's the case

"Anyway, so you can give me any information I want as long as I know what I am searching for right?"

{that's right}

Smirk .. "Alright then this is going to be fun…" {ah~~ Fun~}

So there 500 Adults and 100 something children living in Jola and it's landmass is as big a kingdom but because it has barren land for the past 10 years nobody has been traveling there or want to live there apartely there are many mines on the island that nobody in the empire knows about because they never explored it. This information was great! Not only did I get the information from Aria but She even displayed a map. I marked all the mines on one of the maps I had of the island, then I started searching through the internet for things on farming,engineering,fishing, etc.

I have the power of knowledge but I don't have the money or manpower to do anything. That's the biggest problem here. First I need to set a goal, well it's pretty simple revenge and making people's life easier in my city , wait i should call it my kingdom since the whole island is mine not just the some city.. he he

{King Eugene Has a nice ring to it !! Queen Aria wife of king Eugene~~ ah~~}

"Can you please stop? I said I will have you around when you get a body but I didn't say anything about marrying you!"

{this is why you were a virgin in your past life}

"well alright alright o.. ok. Now are you happy? huh.."

{Yay!! Queen Aria of Jola , Queen Aria wife of King Eugene~~}

"Alright get me the blueprint for the Blast Furnace and irrigation system that can be used by horse labor and yeah manor for crops"

{On it Darling~~}

A day passed by and Hughes came by with good news that a merchant actually agreed to drop them off on the island but asked double the payment to transport all 300 of us. We can't really haggle with him because he was the only one who is even willing to do it.

Just like that we were off to Jola and hopefully I can change this place and make it a peaceful land , well I should be able to do it after all I have my 'Wife' Aria.

{Yep i am great alright}

According to Aria I was able to get into this body because the owner of this actually died when he got to the capital city gate. That's when my soul got into his body and took all of his memories so the real Eugene actually died because someone poisoned him too. It was not just his mother but it took time for him to die unlike his mother so the mystery is who did it? Is it the wives? the emperor or someone else?

{it was your brother Landon Ewan he poisoned you to kill you before you reached Jola}


I opened the door from my private cabin and told a knight to call hughes.

"Your Highness You called me?"

Hughes said as came into my cabin , I nod and sit on the chair

"take a seat"

Hughes sat opposite to me , the ship shook little from the waves

"I Want you to know that there is a high possibility there might be spies in Jola"

"Your Highness, why would they need spies after they banished you to such a place? there's no need for them to do that"

"Hughes someone tried poisoning me before we left the palace"

Hughes was shocked and enraged it was not him for them to kill his highness's mother and banish him but they even wanted to kill him!!

"Your Highness I will make sure that no assassin or spies even get close to you I swear i won't fail lady Lain's trust"

"No that's not why I called you her Hughes, I want you to announce that I am sick and will be staying in the castles so that whoever tried this will think I am dying or am already dead but you Knights are trying to take control of the city."

"Then we just have to wait till the spies or assassin leave to inform their masters or we find them out"

"But your highness this will make the people question if you will help them"

"That's why I called you here Hughes" A smirk appeared on my face..