Sun rose with its burning heat on Jola island as people started moving from place to place doing their jobs to make Jola into a proper kingdom while their King slowly opened his eyes on his bed.
(Good Morning Sleepy head)
"Good Morning Aria"
(Hmm So What's the plan for today?)
"Well I will just sit tight and let them do there jobs I guess"
(Your way to lazy Darling~)
"Of course I will be I don't have any expertise so I might as well let the expert handle it"
I was saying this because it was true most of the population was working on one thing or another while I don't even know what I am doing, I just take ideas from Aria and send them to To the blacksmiths, fishermen, tailors, and knights. While I just enjoy my time in the castle but it feels wrong like everyone is working hard to live a better life while I am just not doing anything yet i have a better life than them so that's why I took the initiative and declared ourselves a independent kingdom so that I can work with the administrators to form a new government and rules it will keep me busy till steam engines are made and we can reduce manpower on simple things and increase our productivity. After freshening up and eating my breakfast I sat down in my study.
"Alright Aria show me the world map and information"
This World was called Prithiv and had 5 continents but only 4 were known.Eastern Continent where Jola is. It's a huge banana shaped land connected to 2 islands in the south and one in the North.
The Central Continent is a huge mass of land in the middle of this world, it's the biggest continent on the planet.
Western Continent is half the size of the Central Continent but it's connected by a small strip of land from West of the Central Continent to East of the Western Continent. They are partially connected so it can be counted as one but Western Continent refuses.
Southern Wastelands or Southern Continent is a land mass just like South Pole but it's the southernmost place of the world however it's not as cold as south pole back on Earth instead it's a mountainous area as such no human has ever lasted long there. It's a continent where no one goes to.
Then the Northern Continent which is at a distance where no ship has ever reached hence nobody knows it exists other than me it is. It's like the Australia of this world, a place unexplored by humans.
Then there are few islands scattered around in the ocean between Eastern and Northern Continent. These islands do have humans living in them but they all are just stone age wild people as they haven't been contacted by any developed kingdoms or empires.
(Then we have different human races)
"Hmm continue Aria"
The Humans , Dark Elves and Demons. These races might have fantasy like names but they are nothing alike. Just like on Earth, here too different ethnic groups live however because there are different races discrimination because of color doesn't happen here instead because of class like nobles don't care about peasants.
Back to different races unlike in fantasy stories of earth elves here only have pointy ears but no magical properties they don't live in forests instead they live towns and cities just like humans. Most Elves are from the Central Continent as it has the highest population of them while other Continents do have elven cities and towns but nothing like the Empire of Radiogad in the Central Continent which consists of 60% of all the elves in the world.
Demons, the name does feel evil but they are not yet all the world discriminates there race as such. They used to be called the horned folk but 300 years ago later they changed to Demons, why because of the holy temple of Yara in the Western Continent. There was a war to determine who would rule the entire Western Continent between the Holy Kingdom of Yara and The Hornet Empire 300 years ago when the holy kingdom deemed them to be spawn of the devil as such they have been labeled demons since then. As they say, winners make the rules. Since then all the remaining demons moved to the central continent's human empire of Indo where they made themselves a kingdom.
Even after having different races and a long history, this world's technology is the same as earth's 10th century. It is said that there used to be a race called the Dark Elves but they went to such an extent that nobody knew what they looked like.
(We don't really need to know about every continent right now so I will tell you about Eastern Continent)
Eastern Continent has 4 Empires and 3 independent kingdoms. The first one is the Empire of Ancorna , it's in the North most Region of the Continent, its North border, Easter border and Western Border face the ocean while its southern border faces the Empire of Conley.It has 2 Kingdoms under its rule, it's the largest empire on the continent.
Then is Empire of Conley it's a small empire that border's Ancorna in its North and Ocean in it's West and East. Its SouthEast Border is the Empire of Tequila and its SouthWest Border is the Empire of Demogus. It has just 2 kingdoms under its rule. It's the smallest and the youngest Empire on the continent and the only Empire to ever have a female ruler in the history of the continent.
At the south are 2 Empires dividing the continent vertically: Empire of Tequila and Empire of Demogus. Both of them used to be a single Empire called Demogus Tequila 200 years ago but are now 2 because the emperor of the Empire had 2 twin sons as such he divided it into 2 for both his sons to inherit. This is why everyone in both empires are identical in religion, culture and language. People of the continent still consider them one even after 200 years because they are always allied with one another and have lowest tax for trading between empires as if trading between one estate to another.
In the West is the Empire of Tequila with 3 Kingdoms under its rule while in the East Empire of Demogus has 4 Kingdoms under its rule as one of the Kingdom under its rule had a civil war and divided itself 20 years ago the tension between those to still exists and can break out into war anytime if the Empire doesn't interfere.
Next are 2 Island Kingdoms in the South. There are two islands the same size as Jola. The first island is called The Trade Kingdom of Demogus Tequila. The Kingdom was created by a pirate from Demogus when he was robbing other merchant ships he discovered this island and started trading the selling the stolen goods here , gradually more pirates joined him like that they started a new kingdom for illegal trade and when the Empire discovered this they sent their armies to fight them however pirates stick together so all the pirates in the continent banded together and stole as goods from all the merchants that sailed into the sea. When their economy started to go down they negotiated with the pirates and established a New Trade Kingdom which will "legally trade" however illegal trade is still a thing here.
Then the Holy Kingdom of Demogus Tequila, this is a religious Kingdom which was established after the pirates made their kingdom. It was said that this kingdom was established to worship the gods Demogus and Tequila, however everyone knows that it's there to monitor the trade kingdom's activities.
Finally there is Jola, it was a desert land a few years ago but Ancorna transformed it into a city trying to replicate the Trade City of Demogus Tequila but it failed miserably why? because there was no way Ancorna can make the Dessert into a farmland so they can only survive on imports of food during trade but it was not possible as all the pirates stopped ships from sailing towards Jola. Then the empire just abandoned it and sent Eugene here so that they can remove him from the Royal Succession battle.
"I see so this is how it is now i have clear view of what this world is like"
knock knock
Right at this moment Somebody knocked on the door.
"Your Majesty, Ms. Sarah and Administration staff are here"
"let them in"