The Sun was Rising from the East Casting its light on the sand. The wind was brezing really strong in doing so, creating a huge screen of sand which was flying across the sky as if it was a huge monster. The wind traveled the same old Desert land till it reached a point where even it was confused by the greenery this place had.
People were running from one place to another hurriedly. In a small area a tent was placed where food was being distributed while people formed a line to eat it. Everyone's plates had Fish meat and some bread in it with some potato soup, this was totally impossible just a few months ago but now it all seemed like it was just a bad dream, in another part of the outside the City there were many weird things placed if anyone saw them they would thing these are show pieces but when you look at all the knights running around it you will think twice. The knights place a few huge stones near a platform and pulled a lever in few minutes the the wooden mechanism started moving it lifted the Stones that took more than 10 knights to move and launched it into air up above more than 30 meters high after few seconds it the Stones landed in the sand creating huge holes. There were many more weird mechanisms in this area which were destroying the region. It was as if these things were divine punishment on this rotten land.
In another part of the City where there should have been a port these mechanisms were building something a wall of some sorts but no one can tell. These changes have been happening all around this city for the past few weeks and what is this city? Jola!
(Good morning sleepy head)
"Good Morning Aria"
I woke up way later than usual today because I was directing everyone about the projects yesterday till midnight. My work never ends here.
(So what's the plan for today?)
"Battle strategy.. today we are going to discuss how we are going to stop the advance of this unknown army."
(Well we only have 3 more weeks before there ships dock on your shores)
"Yeah I know"
(So what are going to do about Edward of Conley?)
"What do you mean?"
(I mean the plan , you know the cat and kitten one.)
"Well I already sent a letter so only time will tell"
(It's quite risky)
"I know but we don't need to worry about that right now, what we need to worry about is the incoming attack"
I got up from my bed and took a bath , got ready and started eating my breakfast prepared by Alice. Alice is Hughes' wife and my personal maid. She got married to Hughes 4 years ago but for some reason both of them refused to have a child. Even when I asked they never tell me why so I just let it be, one should know I not only brought 300 knights that my mother had but also 200 Maids and Butlers my mother and Uncle Keith had. After eating my breakfast I went to the garden to sit in peace for sometime.
After all my guards left me I started to talk.
"Hmm it's weird according to my memories the old Eugene was a great battle tatican but even when I try I can't think like him."
(It's because you only inherited his memories not his personality and skills , he died when he ate the poisoned food)
"I see that but it is such a waste with his insight I would have been able to use the database more efficiently"
(Remember the database and I exists because you are here , the administrator can't give Eugene this Privilege because he is from this world, if the Administrator tried it would mean breaking the natural law)
"Ha I know I know ok huh…"
(What's wrong Eugene?)
"It's just I am not sure in my plans, you see because I didn't plan ahead I was needed to make the Ice wells and the problem was solved but I won't find solutions to problems every time I miscalculate so I am worried that we will loss this coming battle"
(Hmm I see)
"I believe we can field at least 4000 Knights but that means being optimistic that if they don't dock at the port then even defeating 100 will be tough , I don't know how many are going to attack or who is attacking and why is attacking. The only reason we are able to prepare is you , I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't have you"
(That's right praise me Darling~~)
Jola has been changing for the last two months. The potato plants have been growing around the city giving it a green look making it look like a normal city in a plain land but the dusty wind always breaks that illusion. The Siege weapons were made a month ago since then the knights have been practicing how to fire them in the north border of the city so no one gets disturbed. We were able to make them because of the Steam Engines or else it would have taken forever to make.
In the West Region there were many trenches filled with layers of water to make ice which actually worked. It was totally insane even though I am from the modern world. I was shocked to see Ice in the desert. With it we were able to store the fishes caught by Richard and others for longer durations. This solved our problem of food. We have potatoes and fish. We even made bread from potato flour even if not ideal we had all the necessary proteins. New recipes are being discovered as time goes by so it's only a matter of time before we have our own staple food.
At the port area everyone with labor jobs were working hard to build a large slope. Using the Catapult and Pulley technology they were able to lift heavy stones and Sand bricks made by the blacksmiths. This Slope wall was a strategy to stop the attacking fleet that was sailing towards Jola.
Everyday morning all the kids in Jola go into the Western Estate where Sarah and the Administration staff work to learn how to read and write. Jola was advancing but not quite fast because we don't have the raw material that is needed, I need to trade with other Empires so that we can have the raw material but I know for a fact that we can't not with the pirates around.
As far I know only Conley is non hostile towards Jola because Jola is a strategic location to invade Ancorna all other Empires will Launch and attack as soon as they know it is undefended .
Eugene was walking with his guards observing all the changes happening in Jola suddenly a Knight came Running towards him.
"Halt" Said John
the knight stopped and bowed in front of Eugene and Said
"Your Majesty Commander Hughes Has sent me!"
Eugene gestured with his hand to let him move as such John moved to the side.
"Your Majesty Commander Hughes has said that he spotted a western bird flying at the practice fields and he suspects it's Lucas!!" Said the knight
"What!" A smile formed on Eugene's face.
"So what are we waiting for, let's get moving?" Said Eugene.
Who was Lucas? It was the Imperial Princess of Conley, Lilly's Pet , The messenger bird which used to deliver messages from Conley to Ancorna in secrete when Eugene used to live in the palace.