In the cover of night thousands of horses and carts were moving speedly towards a mountain.
A man with brown hair was riding a war horse leading the Army. This was Kevin. He was Eli's 4th Commander moving with an army of 15,000. They are supposed to go under the mountain where a tunnel is hidden behind a huge rock that leads straight to a city in Conley's border.
After they were 500 meters away from the tunnel, they started riding slowly and carefully. One has to know that an ancient tunnel that leads into a city must have some sort of security here.
"Halt " Kevin said while lifting his hand in the air to signal everyone to stop.
Everyone stopped and started observing their surroundings carefully. Some lit up torches and started searching around the bushes while others went near the rocks and checked.
"Commander! There is nothing here, it is safe to say that no one is guarding the entrance" said a general.
Kevin nodded and got down from his horse.
"Horses can't travel through the tunnel because the floor is too damped inside it." Said Kevin
The general nodded
"According to the map his highness Eli that's what it says."
"Everyone tie your horses and get ready to move that huge boulder," said Kevin.
"Captain Freeman, there is a slope wall in the port area," said a crewmate.
They are less than 4 days away from docking at Jola. However when one the crewmen saw the slope wall made after behind the port and informed it to the Captain.
Dan had already guessed that this was a trap made for the ships docking in here but can't quite guess what it is.
"I want 2 ships to the west and 2 in the east."
" Dock at the port and send 1500 men first, I believe they are trying to attack us using arrows."
That's the reasoning Dan can come to right now, having a slope terrain is good for arrows which will slow down any advancing army. Normally in Kingdoms in mountain areas use this technique but they also throw boulders at the incoming army to stop them but Dan didn't believe they have boulder because if they had any boulders then he would be able to see them at the top of the slope but what he was seeing was just some wooden decorations.
One should know that these mountain kingdoms don't use pulleys and catapults for boulders rather they use already existing rocks because bringing huge boulders up was a tremendous task for people in this time period. So Dan didn't think about rocks but arrows
Siege weapons don't really exist yet in this world so Dan didn't really know what Eugene was planning but Dan already understood going through the port was not a good Idea. His gut was telling something was weird here.
The huge boulder finally moved and behind it was a large deep tunnel nothing can be seen inside so all knights lit up torches and started matching into the tunnel. The tunnel was dark, gloomy it was as if there were many dead bodies lying around even so the army just pushed forward moving on.
Kevin smelled the air and could feel the smell of blood as soon as he recognized the smell he shouted
"Halt! there is something wrong abo-" before he can say more he was shocked , Scared , angry , horrified all together he can't tell what he was feeling seeing the scene in front of him.
The torch's light illuminated very little area around him even so he could see bodies. Lots of them were around him, they were his knights but he didn't know what killed them he didn't even know when they were killed. He turned around to run back out but remembered it would take an hour to reach the exit even so he didn't think anything and ran as fast as he could.
While running he thought, will the monster that killed his men kill him too? Will he die in an unknown cave without even knowing his enemy? Can he really survive this nightmare? His shoes were drenched in blood , his clothes were bloody because he was tripping on the dead bodies here and there. The whole place had the smell of blood. It was as if he was inside a monster's stomach slowly but surely he was losing his sanity.
He started screaming while running to see if anyone was alive , he called out names of the knights , he called out names of his family members but nothing , no reply came, only silence.
He can't understand how? wasn't this supposed to be a tunnel that will lead them to a city where they will kill everyone then why? Why were all his men dead?.
He thought it might have been the enemy but how can they know they are coming, leave that aside how did they kill so many without a single sound? Why was he left alive? How is this possible?
With these thoughts in his mind he ran as fast as he could towards the exit , faster , faster and faster that was the only thing in his mind but suddenly he felt his vision burl slowly he fell and went unconscious.
A man in a black hood walked from the side of the cave and stabbed the unconscious Kevin then as if everything was an illusion he disappeared into the dark cave.
`Inside the palace of conley`
Reek was a normal bartender in the palace who served drinks to his excellency Edward himself and for the past few weeks he had been drinking way too much. Edward was a reasonable man who ruled his empire with utmost righteousness all ways playing by the rules and being responsible but recently he has been skipping work and only sitting in the bar and drinking because his eldest sons wrongdoings the Empire was on the verge of war which really upsetted the Emperor as such he kept avoiding his responsibilities and just kept on drinking which made her excellency Jenny really concern.
Even so Reek had to do his job after all he was a good bartender right?
Reek was about to go to his room when the door to the bar opened and a handsome man with white hair walked in.
"Get me a drink Alex" Said the man and sat on his chair. This was Edward the emperor of Conley.
"On it your excellenc-" Reek's eyes widened and cold sweat started to form on his forehead.
"You Excellency my name .. is not .. Alex.." his was shaking , his hands were trembling. Reek/Alex was about to run when.
A he felt a hand on his shoulder , he was 100% sure he was alone in the room a while ago so how can someone be behind him?.
"Going Somewhere?" Said the voice from behind Alex, when he turned A man with an average look , white hair and gray eyes. He had a smile on his face and said,
"Don't worry little snake, your master should already be 10 feet under the ground so we won't torture you, we don't need any information from you."
Even though Alex was shocked that Eli was killed , he was grateful that he was dead now he can die without pain.
"But you won't die without pain boy , we need to make an example out of you right?" Said Edward drinking wine.
Alex was about to commit sucide by biting his tongue but was not able to because he already fell unconscious.
"Father you need to stop drinking now, your acting period is over, get back to work" Said the white haired man, he was Nick!
"Huh.. the good thing this idiot did was give me an excuse not to work for weeks at least" said Edward