Conspired War Part 3: Betrayal

`Border Town: Ancorna Empire`

Eli stood in front of a table with maps on it with a distress expression on his face. He had sent more than 40,000 knights to take over Conley's border cities and towns but it had been over 2 weeks since then yet he had not received a single message from his subordinates.

"We will leave tomorrow morning as soon as the first sun rays touch the ground," Said Eli to the knights in the room.

After everyone left his room, Eli walked towards the window and looked at the moon then he sighed.

"Well at least she is safe" said Eli to himself looking at the moon.

Eli just kept looking at the sky for more than an hour. He was feeling very lost right now, he knew his army was no more and Conley knew about the maps and secret passages Jaren gave him. He clearly lost this war, his enemy was a step ahead of him but he still couldn't understand how Conley knew that he would attack and where. Even if they knew about his attack time, they shouldn't know about his army's route because it was only known by the Royals and Imperial family of Conley.

That's the reason why Jaren recommended that route. So how? Eli had a suspicion but he hoped it was not true.


`Area between Western Shore and Jola City`

In the barren sands one can see four horses riding towards the east really fast. 3 were women and one was a man , the man had blonde long hair ,light blue eyes and snow white skin. This was Jake riding with the slaves to test Jola's Security at least that's what Sam and his goons think.

The reality though is very different. Jake is actually a Conley Spy.

He was assigned to Duke Ryan's army to spy and send information back home. Duke Ryan was James' supporter for the throne so Conley wanted to know his movements. Jake never expected Duke Ryan to attack Jola and he was more surprised when he saw the wall in front of Jola City.

Jake thinks Conley must have already secured Jola so he can directly send his report to the commander/captain here.

Jake told all the slaves to not come forward when asked if they can ride. He specifically selected these girls because they were his subordinates.

Their mission was to report Duke Ryan's plans but now that He was attacking a Conley base, they won't join him and die to their own people. The mission is complete, they gotta join the leader of this new base.


`Jola City inside the castle`

John was tied upside down in the middle of the room. His face was covered in blood. Anyone who saw him can tell he got beaten up really bad.

"H..o.w did you kno..w?" He asked to gather up his strength.

"You don't really need to know," Eugene said with a smirk.

"You have known all this while didn't you?" Said John.

"Yes his majesty knew that you were a spy for a very long time, that's the reason why we never let you near our projects" said Sarah with a smile.


`few months ago First Administration staff meeting`

"Your Majesty, they have finished the first ever steam engine you asked them to make, however it consumed all the iron the Blacksmiths can scrape from the city" said Gray the Administration assistant

"Good, give them these designs and tell them I need it ready by the end of the month," said Eugene.

"Yes Your majesty" Said Gray

"Alright Guys let's start with the main topic then" said Eugene

Eugene looked at everyone seriously, by looks everyone knew this was something serious.

"There is a spy in my army and I want you to keep him away from all these designs till next 6 months when we will finally deal with him." said Eugene

Everyone was shocked, raged and terrified but they nodded.


Eugene knew John was Landon's spy, when he searched Aria for all the spies on Jola Island when he first arrived. Since then he kept him close just to see what he does and how he sends messages back to Ancorna.

They investigated him thoroughly and killed all of his messenger birds.

Now even if they kill him, Landon will think that he died in the attack from Duke Rayn rather than Eugene killing him.

This is the reason why Eugene kept him close all this while because he didn't want to alarm Landon.


Eli has been looking out the window for a long time now however the scenery is not the same as before when he started.

The peaceful camp was now ablazed. People were running from place to place, fighting was happening, bodies, blood, dead knights could be seen in the camp.

Few hours ago suddenly his knights started to kill each other and burn tents. Anyone can tell that those knights weren't his, rather they were his enemies.

All this while Eli was thinking that he was manipulating Jaren but in reality it was the other way around. Jaren gave him the maps to the tunnels so that Conley's army could slaughter them in an enclosed area far from cities and towns to avoid casualties. Eli knew that Jaren had played him big time, Jaren went and asked the Atlanta princesses to lower his guard down making Eli think he was an idiot.

This War ended even before it started, Conley was always 2 steps ahead of Eli. He never had a chance.

Eli just sat there near his window waiting for the intruders.

The door to his room was blasted open by a few men then they rushed in and surrounded him.

"So will I Die here?" Asked Eli as he looked at the knights wearing his armies uniform.

"Yes My friend" Eli heard a familiar voice come from behind these men.

All the knights made a path for this man whose voice was familiar , a tall man with black hair , brown eyes walked forward.

He had pale skin. As soon as Eli's eyes fell on him, he laughed.

"Ha ha ha Good to see you too Jaren" Said Eli.