Conspired War Part 7: Conley Ships

`Somewhere in the Deept Lane Sea `

2 Large Royal Ships were sailing silently on the blue clam ocean while the sun was scorching the earth with all its might.

Clinging sounds of swords, people cheering and clapping could be heard from the deck of a Royal Ship. There were 2 people sword fighting while all the crewmen were cheering for their favorite fighter, one of the two was a woman somewhere around the age of 18, she had long white hair tied up in nicely into a ponytail so that it won't come in here way while fighting , her gray sharp eyes were always fixed on her opponent's sword that was charging at her with full speed. She ducked , disarmed her opponent with ease then she stood tall and placed her blade at her opponent's throat, her snow white skin shining in the eyes of everyone watching as if she was a god descended down from the heavens.

"Her highness defeated another skilled knight again" one of the men watching said

"I guess I will never see anyone beating her in a fight in my lifetime ha" another women said

"Well that lad did a better job than the captain, at least I give him that" said an old crewmate while sighing deeply

"Well show's over everyone, get back to work!!" Said a scared faced woman in a knight's uniform.

Who was this white haired woman? This was Lily Roland , Imperial Princess of Conley.

According to Operation Cat and the Kitten, Lilly is supposed to reach Jola in a month and bring Eugene to Conley but she got news that some Duke from South Ancorna sent an army to occupy Jola so now this normal escort mission became a rescue mission.

She sent her pet bird Lucas to get him a message saying to sail away from the North shore of Jola but he replied saying that he will be alright and is not going to leave Jola. She really didn't understand what he was thinking. she never really understood what was going on in his ever since they were kids so this was just very in character for Eugene.

Lilly went into her royal cabin and sighed.

"Exhausted? I didn't think you would be exhausted with just a spar" said a woman sitting on a chair comfortably in the room.

"I am exhausted not because of the spar, Lady Lain but because I have been trying to understand what my brother and Euge are thinking," said Lily to Lain.

"To be honest I also don't understand why Euge refused to flee, well we will know once we reach Jola I guess" said Lain.

Lily nodded and went straight to sleep on the luxurious bed.


`Imperial Palace , Capital City Ancorna`

Alec was sitting in the audience room with his head buried in his palms while everyone in the court were arguing with each other. All the noblemen were shouting at each other, this place didn't feel like an Imperial Court, rather it felt more like a market where vendors are calling out to their customers. This court was total chaos.

Few days ago a very disturbing news reached the capital about Duke Ryan killing prince Eli, not only did the news spread over the capital like wildfire, the messenger even brought a proof to validate his words and now all the Eli's supporters want Duke Ryan to be executed while all the James supporters are defending Ryan saying that this is a set up but they don't have any proof so the Emperor brought all of the nobles in the capital to discuss who killed Eli and it turned into this mess.

"I have already made a verdict and it won't be changed!!" Alec's voice resounded throughout the hall. Alec has decided to kill Duke Ryan as the proof clearly suggests he was the one who killed his son and James to remove from succession because there were some documents found in Duke Ryan's office stating that James ordered him to kill Eli when he went to conquer Conley.

"I cannot accept this Father! This was totally planned!!" James shouted with all his supporters too.

"If you like it or not this discussion is final, Landon will be the crown prince from today forth and you will never be given a chance at the imperial throne from today." Alec said

While Alec was arguing with his son and other nobles, Keith watched all of this with a light smirk on his face. Everything is going according to Conley's plan with this James will start a rebellion while Alec will try to stop James rebellion Eli's followers will take the opportunity and start their own rebellion that is when Landon will be forced to step in and join forces with his father to stop this war then Conley will use that opportunity to size the throne to place Eugene on it.

Keith really wanted to be done with it after years of being a spy in this god for nothing empire and finally he was near his goal.