Conspired War Part 9: End

Lady Lain: Watermelons in the empire are so sweet and delicious! I can't get enough of them.

Princess Lilly: I know! They're the best watermelons I've ever tasted. I'm so glad we have such good watermelons in our empire.

Lady Lain: It's no wonder that watermelons are so popular in the empire – they're absolutely delicious! I can't get enough of them myself.

Princess Lilly: I know! They're the best watermelons I've ever tasted. I'm so glad we have such good watermelons in our empire.

Lady Lain and Princess Lilly are both talking about how much they enjoy the watermelons in the empire. They both think that the watermelons are incredibly delicious and are glad that the Conley empire has such good watermelons.

Lady Lain: I remember when you were a kid. so adorable. I used to love spending time with you. small and always so happy and full of energy. I miss those days.

Princess Lilly: I know, me too. Sometimes I wish I could go back to those days. They were so carefree and fun. I miss being a kid.

suddenly someone barged into the royal cabin

"What's going on?" Lady Lain asked as she looked at the sudden intruder.

"There's been a pirate attack! We need to get to safety!" the intruder said.

But unlike how the intruder said Lilly didn't run to safety rather she took her sword and ran towards the deck to fight these idiotic pirates.

She was so angry that she could barely see straight. She took her sword and ran towards the deck to fight these idiotic pirates. They had no idea what was coming for them. She slashed and stabbed at them, taking down as many as she could. The pirates were no match for her and soon enough, they were all either dead or running away. She stood there, victorious, her sword still in hand. She was covered in blood, but she didn't care. She had won. The rest of the crew came up to her, cheering and congratulating her on her victory. She had saved them all. They were all so grateful to her. Princess Lilly was a hero.

The aftermath of the battle was gruesome. There were bodies everywhere, and blood was everywhere. It was a massacre. But Princess Lilly was victorious. She had killed many pirates, and the rest had fled. She was covered in blood, but she didn't care. She had won. Now they started to clean up the bodies and get rid of the evidence of what had happened.


`Western Shore Jola island`

Sam and his army were marching through the desert when they came under attack from siege weapons. The enemy had placed these weapons in the middle of the desert, and they were able to rain down death and destruction on Sam and his men. There was no way to escape or hide from the onslaught, and eventually Sam and his entire army were annihilated. It was a brutal and humiliating death for Sam and his men.The aftermath of the battle was devastating. The enemy had annihilated Sam and his entire army, leaving no survivors. The desert was littered with the bodies of the fallen, and the sand was stained red with blood. It was a gruesome and tragic scene, and it was clear that Eugene's army had won a decisive victory.

The battlefield looked like a scene from a horror movie. There were bodies everywhere, and blood was oozing from the ground. The smell of death was overpowering, and the air was thick with the sound of flies.


`Easter Shore Jola island`

Fifteen men with crossbows snuck aboard the ship in the dead of night. They hid themselves in the shadows, waiting for their moment to strike. When the guards were changing shifts, the men attacked. They quickly took out the guards, surprising them with their skills. The slaves were freed from their chains and taken off the ship. The knights were left stranded, unable to do anything to stop them.

The crossbow can shoot 8 times and have steel arrows. It is more powerful and precise than a regular bow and arrow hence they were able to kill knights with full armor with just one hit they were not even able to understand how an arrow pierced through there armor before they died, it's true some of the knights retailted and fought with Eugene's men but in the end they lost because without the slaves they can't move the ships with just 40 or 50 people.

The same thing happened on the Western Shore in a few days.


Eugene was standing in the balcony and was thinking about how easy it was to win this war. he went to the town square to address the free slaves about what will happen to them.

"Greetings, my fellow people. I come to you today bearing good news: you are all free! The war is over, and we have won. Jola kingdom sets you free now , so you are all free men and women of Jola. I want to thank you for your courage and strength in the face of adversity. I know that this has been a difficult time for all of us, but I am confident that we will rebuild and thrive together in the years to come in this new kingdom of ours. Thank you all of you"

Even though everyone knew that all slaves that they rescue were free and made into Jola citizens Eugene wanted to make an official statement for future historians to write about it.

After he adress the slaves, Eugene order Hughes to bring back all the citizens that were evacuated to Northern Estate back home. He went to his castle and went straight to bed. These few days he was very much exhausted, planning and predicting his enemy was really exhausting. He needed a good night's sleep.

Eugene really wanted to make a peaceful place just like how his old self wanted but after he saw old Eugene's memories he realized how much effort Conley put just to get him and his mother out of Ancorna so he was going to support them in taking over Ancorna but he was not going to become the emperor rather he liked Jola a small and independent kingdoms with futuristic technology was far easier to manage than a war driven empire. That's the reason why he didn't continue the Cat and Kitten plan after coming into Eugene's body.

So now he has 2 long term goals

1. Make Jola a peaceful place

2. Repay Conley by helping them make Ancorna theirs.

With this thought in his mind Eugene drifted into dreamland.