`Somewhere at the border of Notopia and Yodan : Ancorna Empire`
The royal military camp was set up for Emperor Alec and his court. It was a grand affair, with marquees and tents for the nobility, and plenty of room for the emperor's soldiers and horses. There was a large central area for feasting and entertainment, and a smaller area set aside for the emperor's personal quarters. The camp was well-organized and had everything the emperor and his court could need.
Alec was having a headache with all the wars starting in his empire because of one useless son's death nevertheless he had to play his part and get that bastard Ryan for his crime. Alec called his both surviving sons to Notopia so that he can let them take control of the situation and sit out of it but only Landon showed up, James sent a messenger saying he was having trouble in his estate so he couldn't come which really angered him. His own subordinate killed his brother and he can't even show up. this all was happening because of his incompetence of not being able to keep people under him in control. Once he went back to the capital he would punish that idiot of a son.
While he was thinking all this Landon showed up and greeted him.
"Father, I believe this is all Conley's doing. Why don't we get them back?"
Alec : "If it's there doing then bring back some evidence I will consider then"
Landon : "But Father they will have there stupid sumit in 2 months , when that happens there will be noone in the Conley capital to stop our attack why don't we attack them?"
Alec: "Landon, I need you to understand something."
Landon: "What is it, father?"
Alec: "I am the emperor. I am the one in charge. I make the decisions. Not you."
Landon: "I understand, father."
Alec: "Good. Because if you don't, I'll have to make an example of you. Do you understand? Landon: Yes, father. I understand"
"Now then why are you still here ?" As soon as Alec said this Landon left.
Alec knew what Landon was trying to do here, he wanted him to attack Conley when they were having a meeting while he captured the Capital for himself. Alec knew his first son always wanted the throne but Alec only wanted to give it to the one who deserved it so Landon, James and Eli always schemed behind each other to get the throne so much so that Alec believes that Landon has a hand in Eli's death. While they always schemed against each other this was the first time Landon tried something on him, he let him go with warning this time but he has to be careful. Alec called Keith.
Keith : "Yes your Excellency what is it?"
ALec said "Keep an eye on Landon send some of the imperial knights with him to escort him to the capital and keep me updated"
"yes your Excellency" said Keith
The Emperor has been betrayed by his son and is about to be killed. Landon has laid a trap for his father while the Emperor thinks he outsmarted him but he doesn't know Landon is already 2 steps ahead of him. Landon wantedly privocked his father so that he will have some of his knights with him on the way back to the capital while Yodan massacres his Father and all the nobles from the capital in this camp.
Like always Landon knew Conley has laid a trap for his father to die here and put the blame on him but now that he has his father's knights following him he will have a credibility that he didn't do it after all in these knights eyes the emperor already knew something bad was going to happen so he asked them to guard his son on the way to the capital. Landon wanted to let the Conley guys play their game but when the time to win came he would take the prize.
`Capital City, Kingdom of Farihn: Conley Empire`
A man with unusual green hair and orange eyes was riding a horse straight towards the Royal Palace and stopped right in front of it. He saw a large vase being transported into the palace.
The man with green hair snuck into the royal palace by hiding in the large vase in the entryway. Once inside, he made his way to the King's bedroom and hid under the bed. When the King came into the room, the man with green hair jumped out and sat in front of him.
When the king entered his room the man with green hair calmly said,
"Your path ends here, if not the world's path will end here" The man with the green hair killed the king before he could turn.
After that he started to talk as if someone was in the room.
"Hey Watari, I've been thinking about this path."
"Well, I'm not sure if I want to continue down the path we're on. I feel like there might be something better out there."
"yeah I know whatever".
Talked for a while then left the palace from the window and climbed down the vines to the ground. He ran through the forest to the edge and found a small boat. He rowed away from the land and was soon picked up by a passing ship.
One day, after a long day of classes, he decided to go on a social media site to see what was new with his friends. He was scrolling through his feed when he saw a post from a girl he didn't know. The girl was asking if anyone wanted to come over to her house and hang out. Eugene was curious, so he clicked on her profile and saw that she lived nearby. He thought about it for a few minutes and then decided to message her. He typed out a quick message, asking if she was still up for company. She responded right away, saying that she was. Eugene got directions to her house and started walking. He felt a little nervous, but he was also excited to meet someone new. He arrived at her house a few minutes later and knocked on the door. A girl with long, dark hair answered the door. She introduced herself as Lila and invited him inside. Eugene followed her into the living room, where they sat down and talked. They talked about their interests and their school. They both had a lot in common and soon they were laughing and joking like old friends. They hung out for a few hours before Eugene said he had to go home. He thanked Lila for inviting him over and they exchanged numbers. He walked home with a big smile on his face, feeling happy that he had made a new friend.
The next day, Eugene woke up to a notification on his phone. He had a new message from Lila. He opened it, eager to talk to her again. But instead of seeing a friendly message, he saw a string of profanity and insults. Lila had written that she never wanted to see him again and that he was a pathetic loser. Eugene was confused and hurt. He tried to message her back, but she had already blocked him. He sat in front of his phone for a long time, trying to understand what had happened. He thought he had made a new friend, but it turns out he was just another person who saw him as a loser. Over the next few weeks, Eugene stopped going to school. He stopped talking to his old friends. He stopped leaving his room. He became a recluse, spending all his time online, looking for attention and validation. He started to believe that Lila was right, that he was a pathetic loser. And so he stopped trying altogether.
"I can't believe it. I thought I had finally made a new friend, but it turns out I was just another person she saw as a loser. I don't understand what I did wrong. I I feel so hurt and alone. I thought I had found someone who liked me for me, but I was wrong. I'm just a pathetic loser. I''m such a fucking idiot. I can't believe I fell for her bullshit. I'm such a fucking loser. I'm never going to find someone who likes me. I'm never going to find anyone who wants to be my friend. I'm just going to be alone forever."
Eugene was really angry after this happened. He felt like he had been used and that she didn't really care about him. This made him feel very alone and lost. To cope with these feelings, Eugene started bullying people online. He would find people who he thought were weaker than him and he would say mean things to them. This made him feel better because he felt like he was in control.
But one day, while Eugene was bullying someone, he suddenly realized that what he was doing was wrong. He realized that he was just trying to make himself feel better by making someone else feel worse. He was tired of being angry and alone all the time, and he decided that he wanted to be a better person. So Eugene started reaching out to people more. He started being nicer to people, and he even started apologizing to the people he had bullied. He also started working on his dream project. Slowly but surely, Eugene became a better person but despite all his efforts, things just didn't seem to be going right for Eugene. He ran into one problem after another with his dream project, and it started to feel like the universe was against him. One day, while he was working on his project, a fire started in his apartment. Eugene tried to put it out, but it was too late. The fire spread quickly and before long, Eugene was trapped. He could hear the firefighters outside, but they couldn't get to him in time. Eugene died in the fire, feeling scared and alone.
Eugene was never really anyone's friend. He was always just a background character, someone who was there but never really noticed. So when he died in a fire accident, it didn't really affect anyone. His death was just a blip in everyone's life, something that was quickly forgotten. Even his family didn't really seem to care that he was gone. They went about their lives as if he had never existed. In the end, Eugene was just a forgotten character in the story of everyone else's life.
Eugene was reading all night about aquaponics to grow food in the desert.Aquaponics is a type of agriculture where plants are grown in water instead of soil. Fish are also raised in the water, and their waste provides nutrients for the plants. Eugene learned that aquaponics is a very efficient way to grow food, and that it requires very little water. He also learned that aquaponics can be used to grow a variety of different crops, including fruits and vegetables. He had been up for hours, poring over articles and books about the subject in the database that Aria showed him, and his eyes were starting to feel like sandpaper. His eyelids were drooping and he could barely keep his head up. He decided to call it a night and pick up where he left off tomorrow.