Time Skip

As I hugged my mother tightly, I could feel the tears welling up in her eyes. I knew how much she loved me, and it was painful to leave her behind. She hugged me back just as tightly and whispered in my ear, "Stay safe, my son. And come back to us soon." Her words were filled with love and worry, and I could sense the depth of her emotions. I promised her that I would take care of myself, and that I would come back home soon.

My father, proud as ever, patted my shoulder and wished me success. He told me that he was proud of me for chasing my dreams, and that he was confident that I would make a name for myself in the world. He handed me a small bag of coins, telling me that it was to help me on my journey. I could see the love in his eyes, and I felt grateful for the support that he was giving me.

My sister, who always looked up to me, hugged me and promised to miss me. She was younger than I was, and I had always been something of a mentor to her. She told me that she was proud of me for chasing my dreams, and that she was confident that I would achieve great things in the world. I could see the admiration in her eyes, and it filled me with a sense of pride.

I lied to them, telling them that I was going to the capital to earn money and send it back home. I couldn't tell them the truth about my mission - that I was going to the Eastern Continent to stop the Eastern Empire from spreading its influence. It was too dangerous, and I didn't want them to worry. I knew that it was a risky journey, and I didn't want to put their lives in danger. So, I decided to keep my mission to myself, and simply told them that I was going to earn money and send it back home.

I set out on my journey, taking on any job I could find to save up for my trip to the Eastern Continent. I worked as a blacksmith, making weapons and tools for the local villagers. I worked as a miner, extracting precious metals from the earth. I even worked as a mercenary, taking on dangerous missions to protect the innocent. I was always trying to improve myself, and to gather resources for my journey.

Months went by, and I saved enough money to finally make my move. I was one step closer to fulfilling my destiny, and I felt a sense of excitement and nervousness. One day, while working as a bodyguard for a wealthy merchant, I overheard a conversation between the merchant and a noble. The noble was extorting money from the merchant, threatening to ruin his business. I stepped in, using the knowledge from my past life to threaten the noble with dire consequences if he did not leave the merchant alone. The noble, intimidated, backed down and fled the scene, leaving me with a hefty sum of money.

With my savings and the money I acquired from the noble, I bought a ticket for a long-distance ship bound for the Eastern Continent. As I boarded the ship, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I was one step closer to fulfilling my destiny, and stopping the Eastern Empire from spreading its influence, but I knew the journey ahead would be perilous. I would face challenges and obstacles, and I would have to be careful at every step. But I was determined, and I was ready for anything that lay ahead. I took a deep breath and gazed out at the horizon, ready for the challenges that lay ahead.