Population Crisis from back on Earth

Eugene was deep in thought as he walked through the bustling streets of Westerosia. The issue of the kingdom's population crisis weighed heavily on his mind, and he knew that the future of the kingdom depended on finding a solution.

As he walked, he observed the people going about their daily lives. Many were single, and there were more men than women. It was a problem that he couldn't ignore any longer.

He pondered over the issue for a while and realized that the solution was to bring people from the scattered islands to Westerosia. It would help balance out the gender ratio and ensure that the population continued to grow in the future.

However, he knew that it wouldn't be an easy task. The people of Westerosia were proud of their traditions and culture, and they were not very welcoming to outsiders. Eugene knew that he needed to come up with a plan that would ease the tension and make the people more accepting of newcomers.