Artyon's Gunpowder rush part 2

(No, I'm saying it's highly unlikely. The technology to make guns is incredibly complex and precise. It would take years of research and development to even come close to replicating it.)

Artyon sighed. He knew Watari was right, but he couldn't give up now. The thought of someone else getting their hands on the saltpeter and creating guns was too much for him to bear.

(But we have the best engineers and alchemists working on it. Surely they can figure it out.)

(I'm not saying they can't figure it out eventually, but it's not something that can be rushed. They need time to experiment and make mistakes. It's a long process.)

Artyon leaned back in his chair, lost in thought. He couldn't just sit back and wait for the engineers to figure it out. He needed to do something.

(What if we brought in more experts? What if we tried a different approach?)