"Mother and you both are the same she said something like this when I asked her too. You guys never tell me why it's important!" She replied
The man stood up and said "Sometimes, The World needs Someone to be labeled evil for peace."
"HA, weird I don't see no one labeling Eugene Raven and Aria Raven as Evil. Whatsoever" A voice from behind Isabella said from a women in her 60s or something.
"Mother" The Red haired man, Eugene said while walking towards her.
"You tell him grandma, Father is being very unreasonable here" Isabella said.
"Maybe a trip to Tibun might cool you down, Isabella? That boy what was his name again AR-" Lain was saying when Isabella's face turned more red and she stopped her "Grandma! ok ok stop"
"Wait, what's this about" Eugene asked Lain.