Lilly's return


The man caught Lilly's eye and bowed respectfully. "Your Highness," he greeted her, "I am Rio. May I show you my work?"

Lilly smiled warmly at him and approached his easel. The painting was truly magnificent, capturing the essence of Westrosia in vivid colors and detail.

As they spoke, Rio shared the story of his daughter, Rosie's mother. She was a skilled worker in the admin council who tragically passed away during a battle. Lilly listened attentively, impressed by the man's tale  of his adopted daughter and devotion to his daughter.

Rosie, the little girl with the sword, soon joined them. She gazed at Lilly's sword with excitement in her eyes and asked if Lilly knew how to use it. Lilly chuckled and replied, "Of course I do. Would you like me to teach you?"